About Color factory
Control two waldos, rotating mechanical arms, by a sequence of commands. Your job is to take tins of paint, mix them, box them and then finally dispatch them. This game will challenge your computing mind and lateral thinking.

More information
I plan to make this commercially for the iPad, i've used love to quickly prototype the game and would love your feedback.
This is inspired by the games of Zachtronics Industries such as Spacechem and The codex, it's also inspired by the concept of turing machines. The current version should be stable, but it is by no means complete.
Custom levels and saves
There is not a ingame level editor yet, but it's rather simple to make a level.
Once you've ran the game once goto the save directory.
There is a template file called customtemplate.lua, it will tell you how to create custom levels.Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Love\ or %appdata%\Love\
Windows Vista and 7: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\LOVE or %appdata%\Love\
Linux: $XDG_DATA_HOME/love/ or ~/.local/share/love/
mac: /Users/user/Library/Application Support/LOVE/
You can also find the save files there if you wish to post your solutions.