Fast Collisions Using Pixels colors

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Fast Collisions Using Pixels colors

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

Hi all,

Well, I didn't really know where to post it, then I chose this section.
Maybe a lot of you might have heard about collisions using pixels colors.
I've used this, and it works fine...But in most of the cases, it generally ends up making your game going sloooow...
So, if you want something similar, but fast, here you are.

First, you load the image and convert it to a kind of 'binary' table of strings...
0 for pixels whose alphavalue is 0, and 1 for the others.

Code: Select all

-- First, let's load our sprite
	local s = love.image.newImageData(s)
	local w,h = s:getWidth(),s:getHeight()  -- gets image width and height
	local batch = {} -- Converts the sprite into a sort of binary table...0 matches pixels with transparency
		for y = 0,h-1 do batch[y+1] = ''
			for x = 0,w-1 do
			local _,_,_,a = s:getPixel(x,y)
			batch[y+1] = ((a == 0) and batch[y+1]..'0' or batch[y+1]..'1')
		return { -- Returns a custom structure
					map = batch,  -- the 'binary' sprite
					x = 0, y = 0,   -- screen coordinates 
					width = w,  -- width
					height = h, -- height
					img =,   -- userdata sprite image
					printMap = function()   -- a function for printing the 'binary' sprite
									for k,v in ipairs(batch) do


Now comes the good stuff..
We first check for a simple box collision between objects 1 and 2. In case these objects are not touching each other, there's no worth making the rest of the calculations, so we return false.
But in case the two objects are touching each other, we just computes the coordinates, the width and height of the 'overlapping' area, and we just cout out from the 'binary' representation of the two objects the corresponding values. If they matches string '2', there is definitely a collision..

Code: Select all

-- Simple box collision check
local function simpleCollide(o1,o2)
	return ((o1.x + o1.width > o2.x) and (o1.x < o2.x + o2.width) and (o1.y + o1.height > o2.y) and (o1.y < o2.y + o2.height))

-- The fast pixel collision check function
local function fastCollide(o1,o2)		
		-- If there is no box collision, no need to continue
	if not simpleCollide(o1,o2) then 
		return false 

	-- Calculate the left,right,up,down coordinates of the two sprites overlapping area

	local Left,Right,Up,Down
	local cLeft,cRight,cUp,cDown
	o1.x = math.floor(o1.x)
	o1.y = math.floor(o1.y)
	o2.x = math.floor(o2.x)
	o2.y = math.floor(o2.y)	
		if o1.x > o2.x then 
			cLeft = o1.x 
			Left = 1
			Right = o1.x-o2.x + 1
			cLeft = o2.x
			Left = o2.x-o1.x + 1
			Right = 1
		if o1.y > o2.y then 
			cUp = o1.y 
			Up = 1
			Down = o1.y-o2.y + 1
			cUp = o2.y 
			Up = o2.y-o1.y + 1
			Down = 1
		if (o1.x + o1.width) > (o2.x + o2.width) then 
			cRight = (o2.x + o2.width)
			cRight = (o1.x + o1.width) 
		if (o1.y + o1.height) > (o2.y + o2.height) then 
			cDown = (o2.y + o2.height) 
			cDown = (o1.y + o1.height)
	local overLap_width = cRight-cLeft
	local overLap_height = cDown-cUp	
	-- Cuts the corresponding string into the sprites 'binary' tables
	-- Collision if effective when the resulting string matches '2'
	for i = 0, overLap_height-1 do
		local o_1 = tonumber([i+Up]:sub(Left, Left+overLap_width)) or 0
		local o_2 = tonumber([i+Down]:sub(Right, Right+overLap_width)) or 0
			if tostring(o_1+o_2):match '2' then return true end
	return false	-- Otherwise, no collision


Usage example:

Code: Select all

local obj1 ='picture1path')
local obj2 ='picture2path')

function love.draw()
if fastCollide(obj1,obj2) then ...  end
Here you are...Pretty easy, isn't it ?
Thanks for reading!
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