What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by Lafolie »

Jasoco wrote:...stuff...
If you ever want to implement multiplayer, I think sending keypresses might be pretty handy there too. I mean networked multiplayer, of course. I don't really understand the 30/60 fps thing though. Say you were to implement a Hammer Bros. type enemy, that wouldn't be too hard to implement either. Assuming you'd store keypresses along a timeline (using some sort of meta data like timestamps?) you can reproduce the same system for enemies that have 'randomness'. Although there are various levels of efficiency to consider. Do you want multiple timelines running at the same time, even if the enemy is off-screen? Or do you want to create and attach/manage/update/run/whatever a new timeline when its parent element becomes active?

That raycasting looks fancy.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by Rukiri »

I'm pretty much working on RPG Basics, camera, movement, rpg parties, tile collisions, tile-maps, the whole 9 yards.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by Jasoco »

I'm going to have to see the Raycasting example in person. I've seen way too many that look like crap and none that have ever looked as smooth as Wolfenstein. (Not talking about the textures. I'm talking about the wall lines.)
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

Jasoco wrote:I'm going to have to see the Raycasting example in person. I've seen way too many that look like crap and none that have ever looked as smooth as Wolfenstein. (Not talking about the textures. I'm talking about the wall lines.)
Well, my example was directly based on this one.
I just re-wrote this using Lua...And it worked fine, even if there are actually some glitches.
I've planned later on to rewrite it after reading entirely F.Permadi's tutorial on the topic.

Here's the actual source. Maybe you'll have useful comments / critics.

Code: Select all

--Raycasting sample code (written by Roland Yonaba)
-- Credits to :http://lodev.org/cgtutor/raycasting.html
local map = {

local map_height,map_width = #map,#map[1]

local posX,posY = 22,12
local dirX,dirY = -1,0
local planeX,planeY = 0,0.66
local time,oldtime = 0,0
local w = love.graphics.getWidth()
local h = love.graphics.getHeight()

local moveSpeed, rotSpeed = 0,0

function love.update(dt)
	moveSpeed = dt*3
	rotSpeed = dt
	if love.keyboard.isDown('up') then
		if map[math.floor(posX+dirX*moveSpeed)][math.floor(posY)] == 0 then
		posX = posX + dirX*moveSpeed
		if map[math.floor(posX)][math.floor(posY+dirY*moveSpeed)] == 0 then
		posY = posY + dirY*moveSpeed
	if love.keyboard.isDown('down') then
		if map[math.floor(posX-dirX*moveSpeed)][math.floor(posY)] == 0 then
		posX = posX - dirX*moveSpeed
		if map[math.floor(posX)][math.floor(posY-dirY*moveSpeed)] == 0 then
		posY = posY - dirY*moveSpeed
	if love.keyboard.isDown('left') then
	local oldDirX = dirX
	dirX = dirX * math.cos(rotSpeed)- dirY*math.sin(rotSpeed)
	dirY = oldDirX * math.sin(rotSpeed)+ dirY*math.cos(rotSpeed)
	local oldPlaneX = planeX
	planeX = planeX * math.cos(rotSpeed) - planeY*math.sin(rotSpeed)
	planeY = oldPlaneX * math.sin(rotSpeed) + planeY*math.cos(rotSpeed)
	if love.keyboard.isDown('right') then
	local oldDirX = dirX
	dirX = dirX * math.cos(-rotSpeed)- dirY*math.sin(-rotSpeed)
	dirY = oldDirX * math.sin(-rotSpeed)+ dirY*math.cos(-rotSpeed)
	local oldPlaneX = planeX
	planeX = planeX * math.cos(-rotSpeed) - planeY*math.sin(-rotSpeed)
	planeY = oldPlaneX * math.sin(-rotSpeed) + planeY*math.cos(-rotSpeed)

function love.draw()
	for x = 0,w do
	local camX = 2*(x/w)-1
	local rayPosX = posX
	local rayPosY = posY
	local rayDirX = dirX + planeX*camX
	local rayDirY = dirY + planeY*camX
	local mapX = math.floor(rayPosX)
	local mapY = math.floor(rayPosY)
	local sideDistX,sideDistY
	local deltaDistX = math.sqrt(1+(rayDirY^2)/(rayDirX^2))
	local deltaDistY = math.sqrt(1+(rayDirX^2)/(rayDirY^2))
	local perpWallDist
	local stepX,stepY
	local hit = 0
	local side
		if rayDirX<0 then
		stepX = -1
		sideDistX = (rayPosX - mapX)*deltaDistX
		stepX = 1
		sideDistX = (mapX+1-rayPosX)*deltaDistX
		if rayDirY <0 then
		stepY = -1
		sideDistY = (rayPosY - mapY) * deltaDistY
		stepY =  1
		sideDistY = (rayPosY +1-rayPosY)*deltaDistY
		while (hit==0) do
			if (sideDistX < sideDistY) then
			sideDistX = sideDistX + deltaDistX
			mapX = mapX+stepX
			side = 0
			sideDistY = sideDistY + deltaDistY
			mapY = mapY + stepY
			side = 1
			if map[mapX][mapY] > 0 then hit = 1 end
		if side==0 then
		perpWallDist = math.abs((mapX - rayPosX+(1-stepX)/2)/rayDirX)
		perpWallDist = math.abs((mapY - rayPosY+(1-stepY)/2)/rayDirY)
		local lineHeight = math.abs(math.floor(h/perpWallDist))
		local drawStart = -lineHeight/2 + h/2
			if drawStart < 0 then drawStart = 0 end
		local drawEnd = lineHeight/2 + h/2
			if drawEnd >= h then drawEnd = h-1 end
		local color = {}
		local square = map[mapX][mapY]
			if square == 1 then color = {255,0,0} 
			elseif square == 2 then color = {0,255,0}
			elseif square == 3 then color = {0,0,255}
			elseif square == 4 then color = {255,255,255}
			else color = {255,255,0}
		if side == 1 then 
			for k,v in ipairs(color) do v = v/2 end 

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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by Jasoco »

It seems to have some graphic glitches, but it's a great start. If you could figure out a way to use textures on the walls, and place sprites around the level, it'd be amazing.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by vpdp_pc »

First, sorry for my English

I'm working on a simple engine (maybe a framework) that make Love2D more easy to use with scenes, component-based architect, support easy-to-perform effect with Lua's coroutine.
The important part of my engine is Thing, it's can be an entity or a board of tetris, because it can be draw to anything you like (it's different from others engine that just support single image or animation for one entity)

Here are some line of my project:

Code: Select all

function gmain()
    --a simple game: player follow the mouse try to avoid monster
    --if monster collide monster -> both of them die
    --if monster collide player -> game over

    --create player
    local player = Thing.new({'player'})

    player.coms:add(coms.Transform.new(0, 0, 0, 1, 1)) --(x, y, rotation, x scale, y scale)

    --a complex shape for player
    local shape = coms.Shape.new('circle', 0, 0, 20)
    shape:add('rectangle', -20, 0, 40, 100) --(x, y, w, h)

    player.coms:add(coms.FollowMouse.new(300)) --speed to follow mouse is 300 pixel/second

    player.draw = function ()
        shape:draw('line') --just simple draw the shape

    --create a lot of monters
    for i = 1, 20, 1 do
        local monster = Thing.new({'monster'}) --a tag for that thing

        --add components
        --add transform, shape (for collision detect), autodraw for monster
        monster.coms:add(coms.Transform.new(math.random(100, 500), math.random(100, 500), math.random()*math.pi, 1, 1))
        monster.coms:add(coms.Shape.new('polygon', -100, -100, 0, 100, 100, -100)) --a triangle shape

        monster.coms:add(coms.Chase.new('player')) --chase nearest thing (has tag 'player')

    --handle collision
    listener.add('begincollide', function (shapeA, shapeB) --the component shape above
        local monster
        local other

        if shapeA.owner.tags:contains('monster') then
            monster = shapeA.owner
            other = shapeB.owner
        elseif shapeB.owner.tags:contains('monster') then
            monster = shapeB.owner
            other = shapeA.owner

        if other.tags:contains('monster') then
            --perform some simple effect
            monster:seq(function ()
                monster:markAsDestroyed() --so it just draw and update, not affect to other alive thing

                --(table to tween, amount of time, end values, start values, type of tween)
                tweener.tween(monster.transform.scale, 2, {x = 0, y = 0}, nil, 'bounce')

                --the interesting part of thing:seq it is a coroutine
                --so this line (monster:destroy()) just be do after the scale go to 0 (in this case 2 second)
            other:seq(function ()
                tweener.tween(other.transform.scale, {x = 0, y = 0}, nil, 'bounce')
        elseif other.tags:contains('player') then
            love.event.push('q') --game over :D
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by ncarlson »

Last night I got a hankerin' for some puzzle fighter. To be honest, I've never actually written a tetris/block-drop clone before, so this was a learning experience.

Here's what I have so far:

And this is what I'm aiming for:

The collision handling code is absolutely atrocious. Handling all the edge cases is harder than I thought it would be. Have a look if you like, but don't say I didn't warn you. If you have any ideas on how to clean this up, besides the obvious, I'd love to hear.
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by Jasoco »

Why do your video titles sound like episode titles for Conan episodes?
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by kraftman »

Jasoco wrote:Why do your video titles sound like episode titles for Conan episodes?
When in Rome
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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Post by nonesuchplace »

I am (now that I am back after a long hiatus where I learned a lot about programming and project management) teaching a kid how to make games in Löve. A kid who before last week knew next to nothing about computers and absolutely nothing about programming was able to make a Löve app where a rudimentary Abraham Lincoln head moved around the screen, and he figured out most of that on his own.

On my own, I am working on trying to decide what I want to make next, besides monsters.
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