What is a triangle "mode"?

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What is a triangle "mode"?

Post by n0ug4t »

I'm new to LOVE (but not to Lua) and in the love.graphics module there's a triangle. I looked at the triangle and the first argument is "mode." Playing around with it I know now it's a string value, but I don't know what string values are valid. So, what is mode?
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Re: What is a triangle "mode"?

Post by bmelts »

It's DrawMode, which describes whether the triangle (or any other shape, as it's used in rectangle and circle and polygon and the rest) is drawn as an outline or as a filled shape. Your choices are "fill" or "line".

The wiki has all these modes available for your perusal!
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Re: What is a triangle "mode"?

Post by n0ug4t »

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