It doesn't really hurt my eyes, but it has the same affect on me as guitar hero does, where If I look at it for too long then look at something else it feels like my world is spinning.
@Robin - Also, "Rubber Piggy" doesn't like our game

It would be nice if we could find out whether that's a bug in LÖVE or merely an incompatible change.Ryne wrote:@Robin - Also, "Rubber Piggy" doesn't like our game
Basically it's an issue with the animated sprite. It's actually identical to when you set the width of the animation higher than it should be.Robin wrote:It would be nice if we could find out whether that's a bug in LÖVE or merely an incompatible change.Ryne wrote:@Robin - Also, "Rubber Piggy" doesn't like our game
Haha yeah. Rude made the no-game screen. And has actually made all of them I believe.Ensayia wrote:What was rude about what I said?
rude or bartbes. We could hold a contest anyway, but there's no saying whether they'll actually like that and end up using the winner's entry.Ensayia wrote:So who would have to give the OK for a contest?
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure that having a community "contest" for this is the best idea. This is a question of branding, and so far Rude has done a great job of maintaining that brand. The importance of that is not something that should be underestimated. If the submissions were all in line with that branding, fine, but then what would be the point?Ensayia wrote:So who would have to give the OK for a contest? Seriously the 4KB explosion went over pretty well.
As long as the powers that be don't feel pressured into using a community submission even if they may not be up to snuff, it can't hurt. At the very least, maybe people could come up with some cool concepts that could then be used by Rude when creating future no game screens.Robin wrote:Rude is still the final arbitrator of Life and Death, no harm done.
I agree. I would like a contest, even if none of the entries are used.nevon wrote:As long as the powers that be don't feel pressured into using a community submission even if they may not be up to snuff, it can't hurt. At the very least, maybe people could come up with some cool concepts that could then be used by Rude when creating future no game screens.Robin wrote:Rude is still the final arbitrator of Life and Death, no harm done.
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