Tearing my hair out over collision

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Tearing my hair out over collision

Post by danlthemanl »

I'm trying to collide my character with a table of boxes. I'm using the box collision shown in the wiki. I can get it to work without the else statement. But when I add it, collision doesn't happen.

Works but won't unCollide

Code: Select all

for i = 1, table.getn(level.boxes) do
		if CheckCollision(player.pos.x, player.pos.y, player.image:getWidth(), player.image:getHeight(),
			level.boxes[i].x, level.boxes[i].y,level.boxes[i].width, level.boxes[i].height)
			player.onGround = true
Doesn't work at all

Code: Select all

for i = 1, table.getn(level.boxes) do
		if CheckCollision(player.pos.x, player.pos.y, player.image:getWidth(), player.image:getHeight(),
			level.boxes[i].x, level.boxes[i].y,level.boxes[i].width, level.boxes[i].height)
			player.onGround = true
                        player.onGround = false
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Re: Tearing my hair out over collision

Post by ivan »

I suspect you may want to 'break' if the player is found to be on the ground. Also, it would be a bit neater if you used 'pairs' to iterate the table. Lastly, no need to do the 'getWidth' and 'getHeight' calls for each iteration:

Code: Select all

local onGround = false
local pw, ph = player.image:getWidth(), player.image:getHeight()

for i, v in pairs(level.boxes) do
  if CheckCollision(player.pos.x, player.pos.y, pw, ph, v.x, v.y,v.width, v.height) then
    onGround = true

player.onGround = onGround
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Re: Tearing my hair out over collision

Post by danlthemanl »

thank you, that fixed my problem! You lifesaver you! :ultrahappy:
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Re: Tearing my hair out over collision

Post by Robin »

Better use ipairs here, btw. pairs is for iterating over keys that aren't integers between 1 and #level.boxes inclusive.
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Re: Tearing my hair out over collision

Post by slime »

pairs will still iterate over integer keys but the order in which it does so is not guaranteed and it will also iterate over anything else in the table, so yes, use ipairs on array-tables. ;)
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