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I spent a few hours last night scouring the web reading up on some lua stuff. I came across some reasonably well done tutorials about the basics of Lua. The one down side is they are all for use on PSP home brew. My new personal task is now to use these and other lua/love examples and build a very simple to understand tutorial. Since I am new to Lua, I will write these as I learn, so they should be less technical and more K.I.S.S.
I am thinking to play on the theme of love and write a nice tutorial of the basics through building a small game. My working title will be "The Book of Love".
Look for some basic tutorials soon, and probably questions as I go along.
This will be my way of giving back to what I feel is a helpful community and a great porject.
If this for any reason this doesnt sound like a good idea, then just swap me on the nose with a news paper and I will run along to my other projects