I'm very excited about finding LÖVE
I follow the instructions heres:
Getting Started ~ Making a Game
To make a minimal game, create a folder anywhere, and open up your favorite code editor. Notepad++ is a pretty good one for Windows, and it has Lua support built in. Create a new file in the folder you just created, and name it main.lua. Put the following code in the file, and save it.
Code: Select all
function love.draw()
love.graphics.print("Hello World", 400, 300)
Code: Select all
Boot.lua:296: No code to run
You game might be packaged incorrectly
Make sure main.lua is at the top level of the zip
[C]: in function 'error'
[C]: in function 'xp call'
If someone could point me to what it is I'm doing wrong and maybe update your website accordingly I would be greatful.