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Re: L Builder Design View

Post by Robin »

crow wrote:HUH I am sure that is what i said ..... I want to run the app from the project folder I don't want to keep making a .love file so telling me what I asked for is confusing lol how do I pass the info to love as a folder and not a .love lol
To be honest, I thought you meant that as well. It might be a good idea to make sure you are understood the right way. Use short sentences, and perhaps some repetition (with synonyms, so you say the same thing twice with different words). That might help us understand you better. :)

Running LÖVE with a folder is easy: simply give it the folder as argument. For example, (only works if the executable is in your path)

Code: Select all

love name/of/folder
If the project folder is the current directory, it becomes:

Code: Select all

love .
I run that line a *lot* while testing my games.
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Re: L Builder Design View

Post by TechnoCat »

crow wrote:HUH I am sure that is what i said ..... I want to run the app from the project folder I don't want to keep making a .love file so telling me what I asked for is confusing lol how do I pass the info to love as a folder and not a .love lol

the first few posts do show the project folder what i want to do on test is build the config file and then run the app from that folder how do I do it?
In Sublime Text, I created a build script that runs whatever commands I give it:

Code: Select all

  "cmd": ["love", "${project_path:${folder}}", "--console"]
Just takes my project folder and runs in command line

Code: Select all

love . --console
So in Sublime Text all I do is hit f7 to run my LOVE program. Many other editors offer this functionality.
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Re: L Builder Design View

Post by nevon »

crow wrote:HUH I am sure that is what i said ..... I want to run the app from the project folder I don't want to keep making a .love file so telling me what I asked for is confusing
Then I must have misunderstood you. I thought you wanted to rebuild the .love file every time the user made a change to their code.
crow wrote:how do I pass the info to love as a folder and not a .love
The same way. Just tack it on to the end of your command as a parameter.

Code: Select all

//The following runs the directory you're in.
love .

//You can also use a relative path
love fancydirectory/ourfancygame/

//Or you can use an absolute path
love ~/workspace/fancydirectory/ourfancygame/
The examples above are for *nix systems, but the general idea is the same in Windows.
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Re: L Builder Design View

Post by crow »

Ok thanks I think I understand what I might need to do I will get to work and see where I get stuck thanks guys and even tho I did re-read it I could easily of missed it again where I might of gone wrong :)

I have a Shell.Extract(); function Extract(alignment one is the exe and alignment two is the alignments)

so in this action I should be able to do it

Code: Select all

Shell.Extract("love.exe", "fullpath/projectpath");
only thing that needs to be made each time is the config.lua file as its edited as a xml file live to keen track of the changes
I will just finish off the module functions and then try a build demo :) thanks for the help guys, you all need a smiley reword :)

You guys going to have a say on what the name it be ?
Sir Kittenface
Möko IDE Codename (Erös) Returns Soon

I am dyslexic so if any of my replys confusing please just ask me to reword it as this will make things a lot easier for all parties lol.
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Re: L Builder Design View

Post by crow »


OK, I have not got as far as I would of liked, I ended up wasting time playing dotes lol and then when I got back to coding few faults
in my code what I was not able to see until taking a brake so right now I can only got to building the config file working.

I am going to test it now where I will delete it and then I going to build it again and then try and run it with a simple hello world app wish me luck
cos if this works then from here it should then fall in to place, the other functions are going to be harder but they will fall in to place lot easier.

I see some people are making there games in to one main.lua and some in to scripts what do people think is the best way of doing it? just so I can
think what will be the best way to include extra scripts for editing.

OK I am really confused this is not working at all it just wont boot what is wrong with this ?
this is a copy of the wiki I also tried it with and without closing the lines with ;

Code: Select all

function love.conf(t)
    t.title = "Drip"        -- The title of the window the game is in (string) = "Mr Kittyface"        -- The author of the game (string)
    t.identity = nil            -- The name of the save directory (string)
    t.version =               -- The LÖVE version this game was made for (number)
    t.console = false           -- Attach a console (boolean, Windows only)
    t.screen.width = 200        -- The window width (number)
    t.screen.height = 600       -- The window height (number)
    t.screen.fullscreen = true -- Enable fullscreen (boolean)
    t.screen.vsync = true       -- Enable vertical sync (boolean)
    t.screen.fsaa = 0           -- The number of FSAA-buffers (number)
    t.modules.joystick = true   -- Enable the joystick module (boolean) = true      -- Enable the audio module (boolean)
    t.modules.keyboard = true   -- Enable the keyboard module (boolean)
    t.modules.event = true      -- Enable the event module (boolean)
    t.modules.image = true      -- Enable the image module (boolean) = true  -- Enable the graphics module (boolean)
    t.modules.timer = true      -- Enable the timer module (boolean)
    t.modules.mouse = false      -- Enable the mouse module (boolean)
    t.modules.sound = true      -- Enable the sound module (boolean)
    t.modules.physics = true    -- Enable the physics module (boolean)
Sir Kittenface
Möko IDE Codename (Erös) Returns Soon

I am dyslexic so if any of my replys confusing please just ask me to reword it as this will make things a lot easier for all parties lol.
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Re: L Builder Design View

Post by crow »

This is getting me really upset now I have tried drive:/path/ i have tried drive:\path\ and it just opens with its default logo its not taking the alignment at all.

I can drag the folder in to the exe and thats working I really not sure whats going on is there a alignment that is needed with the path? the exe is not with the project its else where.

if i use this command to open the file

Code: Select all

File.Run(_SourceFolder.."\\Love\\love.exe", 'love ', "", SW_SHOWNORMAL, true);
I get a blue screen saying it was unable to load the main.lua
Sir Kittenface
Möko IDE Codename (Erös) Returns Soon

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Re: L Builder Design View

Post by crow »


:neko: :neko: :neko: :neko: :neko: :neko: :neko:

I have fixed the problem with the exe not finding the files it seems it wanted me to add "\""..filepath.."\"" now we are working Woooop :P
but that was like 4 hours I could done without banging my head.
Sir Kittenface
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Re: L Builder Design View

Post by crow »


OK so lets list whats changed:
Name as changed to Erös
New Module added to list, this module tells the builder to include the l_function.lua file or not, by default its enabled the module is also called Erös
the program now saves the main.lua if there is any changed when you test run the program.
I am also going to look in to some how adding/removing the require('l_functions.lua'); without needing to type it in.

the gametable you see in the builder will be replaced with eros.title,, eros.version and other settings for the game maker
the functions name as not yet been picked it might just be eros or it might also be laz as there are lazy functions.
Open and load project
U6ku1.png (75.51 KiB) Viewed 406 times
Editor + game
Q1bys.png (63.63 KiB) Viewed 406 times
Sir Kittenface
Möko IDE Codename (Erös) Returns Soon

I am dyslexic so if any of my replys confusing please just ask me to reword it as this will make things a lot easier for all parties lol.
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Re: L Builder Design View

Post by Robin »

Right, command lines do not like paths with spaces. ;)

Also, I don't know if you figured this out yourself yet, but

Code: Select all

t.version =
is not valid Lua.

t.version is currently unused anyway, so you can leave it zero, or use the version of LÖVE your game was written for. (Currently that would be 071, no dots).
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Re: L Builder Design View

Post by crow »

Robin wrote:Right, command lines do not like paths with spaces. ;)

Also, I don't know if you figured this out yourself yet, but

Code: Select all

t.version =
is not valid Lua.

t.version is currently unused anyway, so you can leave it zero, or use the version of LÖVE your game was written for. (Currently that would be 071, no dots).
Ya I was told this on the IRC lol I am going to change it little so that you can still use but as a string this will also be saved in eros function.
But that be on a later on its all working anyway without this really needed.

but runnimg tests are now working yay lol finally lol
Sir Kittenface
Möko IDE Codename (Erös) Returns Soon

I am dyslexic so if any of my replys confusing please just ask me to reword it as this will make things a lot easier for all parties lol.
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