After ËNVY comes WRATH.
At the moment WRATH is just to show what ËNVY (LÖVE Framework) can do at the moment. I hope you can enjoy what little there is.
Green Bastards
Slow zombies which deal a small amount of damage. (You get 1 point for killing).
Red Bastards
Fast zombies which deal more damage than green ones. (You get 5 points for killing).
Blue Bastards
Reasonably fast zombies which deal a great amount of damage. The thing is though, they only reveal themselves when they are far away from you, when they get close they disguise themselves as green zombies. They also reveal themselves when they are attacking you. (You get 10 points for killing).
Pink Bastards
Slow zombies which deal the most amount of damage, whenever they see items they will crowd around them and try to prevent you from getting them. Be careful! These zombies hurt! (You get 1 point for killing).
Version: Phase 4.
Code: Select all
[Phase 4]
* Posted the WRATH thread on the LÖVE forums.
* Began the changelog.