[Library] tiny-ecs - Fast Simple Entity Component System

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Re: [Library] tiny-ecs - Fast Simple Entity Component System

Post by gdinit »

bakpakin wrote: Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:17 pm tiny-ecs: Make Games Faster
Hello bakpakin,
Thank you for sharing your work. I found your library via link [1].
At the bottom of the same page, I noticed 'Demo Source' in link [2].
When I arrived at the Demo Source GitHub page, I found a note saying that "NOTE - Up to date version of this project here" pointing to link [3].

Last commit on [2] is on 12 Aug 2020.
Last commit on [3] is on 10 Sep 2020.
Thus, going solely by the last commit date I guess #3 is latest as per your NOTE above.

Having said that, without detailed study of the code or commit notes, just looking at both 'main GitHub pages', I noticed that:
[2] has a commit note 'Love2D 11.3 port'.
[3] has a commit note 'Update for LOVE 11.1'
Therefore going by the commit notes, it appears [2] actually is more recent.

This being the case, I would like to ask, as of 2021 which repo would you recommend to someone just starting to look at tiny-ecs?
Thanks in advance.

[1] https://love2d.org/wiki/tiny-ecs
[2] https://github.com/bakpakin/tiny-ecs/tr ... ndokibbles
[3] https://github.com/bakpakin/CommandoKibbles
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Re: [Library] tiny-ecs - Fast Simple Entity Component System

Post by lrdprdx »

shakesoda wrote: Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:12 am
WetDesertRock wrote:When filters are used, does it cache the results? For example, if I had a fadeout system that required "fadeout" and "opacity", would just adding those fields to an entity cause it to start using the fadeout system?
Filters aren't updated until you cycle an entity in the world (i.e. world:removeEntity(foo); world:addEntity(foo)) - although I'd very much like a world:modifyEntity as well which indicates an entity getting new components without being removed (I've got some systems which make/remove caches on add/remove - and cycling the entity means losing their data)
I think you can probably use the

Code: Select all

property for this: judging from the code the system just runs over all entities in the world and processes all accepted entites. However, it has its own restrictions (mentioned in the docs).

Anyway, I would like also to have the

Code: Select all

I don't believe you, continue.
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