I am learning everything while creating an autoshooter game. I was about to add new weapons, like a spinning saw that rotates around the player (right now with an axe placeholder sprite). I managed to get the rotating sprite working, but the I don't know how to get it working with the colission body for it. Currently it's just at player's x and y rotating in the correct speed and angle as it seems, but I need to set an offset like for the sprite.
I am still using windfield (haven't gotten the time to really learn box2d, since I want to focus on learning all the other aspects, while windfield is still working).
These are the code blocks for spawning the "saw", setting it's movement and later drawing it:
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function spawnSaw()
local saw = {}
saw.x, saw.y = player.x+9, player.y+ 9
saw.hp = projectiles.saws.hp
saw.collider = world:newBSGRectangleCollider(saw.x, saw.y, 16,16, 15)
saw.angle = 0
saw.vx = 0
saw.vy = 0
table.insert(projectiles.saws, saw)
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function handleSawMovement()
for i,a in ipairs(projectiles.saws) do
local vx, vy = a.vx,a.vy
a.angle = love.timer.getTime() * math.pi
a.collider:setLinearVelocity(vx, vy)
a.x = a.collider:getX()
a.y = a.collider:getY()
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function drawSaw()
for _, saw in ipairs(projectiles.saws) do
love.graphics.draw(sprites.saw, player.x, player.y+sprites.axe:getHeight()/2, saw.angle,nil,nil,100,100)