I thought there were timeouts because I saw some stuff when I browsed it. I know it's not the same lib, but there were many different pages like
I'm doing a thing where I check and submit scores to Lootlocker after a game. If there is no connection at all it's fine because it just loads and skips immediately, but if there is a bad connection, or one without data, the display I put up that says "Checking online scores"
* will show for a long time (i.e. the game will hang for a really long time) even though I know at that point it shouldn't take more than a few seconds.
Also I thought, being a newb in most things, that all https/http libs had a way to include timeout. Like how they all have a way to include body/data.
So the only way to introduce timeouts is with threads?
* I put a display that greys over the whole game and shows that text so players will atleast know why the game is hanging.