Hi everyone,
I'm new to game development and am looking to create a game similar to Zelda. I have some basic knowledge of game development and am familiar with Lua and Python. I want to use Love2D for this project.
Could anyone help me find the best way to learn Love2D and develop a Zelda-like game? I'm looking for resources, tutorials, or any advice you might have.
Thanks in advance!
New to Love2D - Seeking Guidance for Zelda-like Games
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Re: New to Love2D - Seeking Guidance for Zelda-like Games
Challacade on YouTube has two series on recreating Zelda with Love2D. I found it by typing "Love2D zelda" into the search bar. Two of his videos were the first results.
Re: New to Love2D - Seeking Guidance for Zelda-like Games
i have watched that series but it's just the basic like animation,collision etc. i want to learn more think like events,dialogue,scene etc
Re: New to Love2D - Seeking Guidance for Zelda-like Games
Resources are e.g. on Github: https://github.com/love2d-community/awesome-love2d
My boat driving game demo: https://dusoft.itch.io/captain-bradley- ... itius-demo
Re: New to Love2D - Seeking Guidance for Zelda-like Games
Much of that is covered by "software design patterns", that are then applied to games. This is a cool resource for some of those, but there are others as well:
For example, an RPG scene with dialogue is the use of a virtual machine (the Bytecode pattern, or the Command pattern executed in sequence), the dialogue is the use of a UI container that blocks the game until it's dismissed (a modal window, which is a UI pattern), and events --I imagine you mean RPGMaker events, where something happens in some place and affects something in another place-- that's the game's state being modified by an event (like using the Observer pattern, but a Finite State Machine is related to this as well).
Some of those, especially the Bytecode pattern, are very complex if you've never seen them before. If you just want to make a game and move on, it might be better to look for an engine that hides most of the clockwork for you -- there might be RPG engines for Löve, for example. Then you only try to understand how it works after you have more experience.
Re: New to Love2D - Seeking Guidance for Zelda-like Games
Also adding: an RPG game is probably one of the most complex of all game genres that you could go for. If you haven't finished some classic arcade game clones (like Pong, Tetris, Snake, Space Invaders, Asteroids, Pac Man etc) then you'll suffer a lot and not get anywhere. The reason is simple: if you haven't learned the core concepts used by those simpler arcade games, then you'll definitely not be able to make the much more complex RPG game.
Here are some threads. This forum has a lot of material and you should definitely try to dig some stuff through searches:
Here are some threads. This forum has a lot of material and you should definitely try to dig some stuff through searches:
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