Self is a nil value

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Self is a nil value

Post by TheSilentor »

I was following a series of tutorials on how to create a platformer when I got to the point where you're supposed to draw the player aka a rectangle. I followed along and pressed alt + l to see it run when I got this error:


Player.lua:31: bad argument #2 to 'rectangle' (number expected, got nil)


[love "callbacks.lua"]:228: in function 'handler'
[C]: in function 'rectangle'
Player.lua:31: in function 'draw'
main.lua:20: in function 'draw'
[love "callbacks.lua"]:168: in function <[love "callbacks.lua"]:144>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'

I triple checked my code and It should work, but it doesn't. :?
Player File (Where Issue Is)
(776 Bytes) Downloaded 32 times
Main File
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Config File
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Hugues Ross
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Re: Self is a nil value

Post by Hugues Ross »

I'm pretty sure you just missed a call to Player:load(). Without that, you won't have any values in 'self' when calling Player:draw()--that's what your error is here, self is a real value but self.x is nil

Also...unrelated, but "Map/1..lua" looks like a possible typo. Can't say for sure with the fragments of the project that are here, but probably worth double checking.
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