This game is something I've been thinking about for a long time, but when I prototyped it, it wasn't all that fun. Luckily I got some new ideas in the past few days so I decided to rewrite it from scratch!
In Lyric Hero you have to type the lyrics of a song as they fall down on your screen. The closer you finish typing a word to the moment it's being sung, the more points you get. The word gets sung if it enters the purple area. If you finish typing it earlier/later you get less points, the amount is determined by how far off you are.
I'm still thinking about some sort of points multiplier. Maybe you get bonus points as long as you don't make a mistake, still toying around with this. Here's a screenshot of how it currently looks, it looks better in motion though!

Words turn green as you type them, if you make a mistake you have to start over. If a word goes under the red line it's game over.