Cat & Mouse game

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Cat & Mouse game

Post by jbmannon »

I've been working on a cat & mouse type game and I'm pretty happy with the results.

The basic concept is that the player playes the cat chaseing the mice and avoiding the dog until the owner shows up and catches the dog which ends the level.

I've gotten the player movement down, the dog chases the cat, the mice follow the dog, and the owner chases the dog. I've also got the score, caught, and level markers working.

Next I am going to work on lives for the cat and special items for the cat to chase after to help the player catch more mice. After that I need to dive into game states and work on a title screen, end screen and high score screen.
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Re: Cat & Mouse game

Post by thelinx »

Sounds interesting!

Do you have any screenshots or gameplay videos you can share?
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Re: Cat & Mouse game

Post by jbmannon »

I will try and get some screen shots to post up later today.
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Re: Cat & Mouse game

Post by Thursdaybloom »

I get confused by topics that simply open with a declaration a game is being made, without anything to back it up or show. So confused in fact that I had to rewrite this reply from scratch because it was going to come across as way too negative. I just don't understand why people can't wait until they at least have screenshots, if not a .love attachment :?

/me goes back to my hole.
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Re: Cat & Mouse game

Post by jbmannon »

I can't speak for anyone else but for me I have two barriers standing in the way. 1) The machine I am working on is not on the network, and 2) I mainly surf and post from my iPhone. As soon as I can I will be posting up my .love file but I need to remember to grab a jump drive.
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