I finally solved this issue.
You are right. TextBatch should be better choice.
Also I did some tests after you mentioned GlyphData, and I found out advance of single glyph(GlyphData:getAdvance()) isn't always same as width of single glyph(font:getWidth("X")); sometimes they are same but sometimes they show 1px difference.
By applying advance instead, I could get same('improved') result that I've posted above (without needing big-sized font and messy converting calculations).
In addition, there was still slight difference after this modification as I've mentioned earlier. It turned out to be not applying subpixel positioning was causing this small difference. (
https://freetype.org/freetype2/docs/gly ... phs-5.html).
After including this into code, I could get the perfect result :
- results.png (54.85 KiB) Viewed 1170 times
1st line is screenshot image of web browser rendering (which is the desired result).
2nd line is the result of default love.graphics.print, which clearly shows too condensed result.
3rd line is the result of my prior adjustment, better but still showing discrepancy.
4th line is the result of my final adjustment, which is rendered just same as 1st line.
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!