Screen Size behavior

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Screen Size behavior

Post by Griff »

So i am attempting to place my char at the center of the screen so I am collecting the screen size like this

Code: Select all

function love.load()
	sw,sh = love.window.getMode()
then i am creating a circle at the center of screen like this

Code: Select all

function love.draw()"line", sw/2, sh/2, 25)
Im attaching my .zip file so you can see what im doing, i was able to get a sprite in the center but its very janky how i set it up
(8.89 KiB) Downloaded 72 times
I guess i didnt say, but this does not put the circle at the center its in the bottom right
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Re: Screen Size behavior

Post by BrotSagtMist »

Somewhere in this player:draw mess you call either translate or scale which of course makes all following positions incorrect.
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