Benchmark - put every function inside a object or inside a helper object

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Benchmark - put every function inside a object or inside a helper object

Post by gcmartijn »


Today I was wondering if there are performance differents between the following situations.

Situation 1

Code: Select all

object {
  function a
  function b
  function c
  function d
object = new object()
Situation 2

Code: Select all

object {
  function a
helper {
  function b(object)
  function c(object)
  function d(object)
helper = new helper()
object = new object()
Well, I don't see a different when using 1000 'small' objects.
So for performance only you don't have to create a helper function to get more speed.

situation 1 Apple M1: CPU +/- 55%, Mem +/- 53M, Max garbage count 1297.1787109375 FPS 30
situation 2 Apple M1: CPU +/- 53%, Mem +/- 51M, Max garbage count 1299.2373046875 FPS 30

situation 1 Apple Intel 2014: CPU +/- 77%, Mem +/- 40M, Max garbage count 1477.265625 FPS 17
situation 2 Apple Intel 2014: CPU +/- 76%, Mem +/- 40M, Max garbage count 1499.13671875 FPS 17

Code: Select all

maxObjects = 1000
testcase = 2 -- use 1 for SuperObject use 2 for NotSoSuperObject
maxTime = 60 -- seconds

Object = require "lib.classic.classic" --

function generateRandomData(length)
    local charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
    local randomData = ""
    for i = 1, length do
        local randomIndex = math.random(1, #charset)
        randomData = randomData .. string.sub(charset, randomIndex, randomIndex)
    return randomData

local SuperObject = Object:extend("SuperObject")
function SuperObject:new(data)
    self.x1 = data.x1
    self.moredata1 = generateRandomData(1000)
    self.moredata2 = generateRandomData(1000)
    self.moredata3 = generateRandomData(1000)
function SuperObject:getX()
    return self.x1
function SuperObject:anotherFuction1()
    -- random lines of code to fill this function
    local x = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local y = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local z = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local g = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local d = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    return self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
function SuperObject:anotherFuction2()
    -- random lines of code to fill this function
    local x = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local y = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local z = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local g = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local d = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    return self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
function SuperObject:anotherFuction3()
    -- random lines of code to fill this function
    local x = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local y = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local z = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local g = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local d = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    return self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
function SuperObject:anotherFuction4()
    -- random lines of code to fill this function
    local x = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local y = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local z = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local g = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local d = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    return self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
function SuperObject:anotherFuction5()
    -- random lines of code to fill this function
    local x = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local y = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local z = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local g = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local d = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    return self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
function SuperObject:anotherFuction6()
    -- random lines of code to fill this function
    local x = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local y = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local z = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local g = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    local d = self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1
    return self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1 + self.x1

local NotSoSuperObject = Object:extend("NotSoSuperObject")
function NotSoSuperObject:new(data)
    self.x1 = data.x1
    self.moredata1 = generateRandomData(1000)
    self.moredata2 = generateRandomData(1000)
    self.moredata3 = generateRandomData(1000)
function NotSoSuperObject:getX()
    return self.x1
local HelperObjectForNotSoSuperObject = Object:extend("HelperObjectForNotSoSuperObject")
function HelperObjectForNotSoSuperObject:anotherFuction1(obj)
    -- random lines of code to fill this function
    local x = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local y = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local z = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local g = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local d = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    return obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
function HelperObjectForNotSoSuperObject:anotherFuction2(obj)
    -- random lines of code to fill this function
    local x = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local y = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local z = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local g = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local d = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    return obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
function HelperObjectForNotSoSuperObject:anotherFuction3(obj)
    -- random lines of code to fill this function
    local x = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local y = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local z = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local g = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local d = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    return obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
function HelperObjectForNotSoSuperObject:anotherFuction4(obj)
    -- random lines of code to fill this function
    local x = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local y = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local z = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local g = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local d = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    return obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
function HelperObjectForNotSoSuperObject:anotherFuction5(obj)
    -- random lines of code to fill this function
    local x = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local y = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local z = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local g = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local d = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    return obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
function HelperObjectForNotSoSuperObject:anotherFuction6(obj)
    -- random lines of code to fill this function
    local x = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local y = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local z = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local g = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    local d = obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1
    return obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1 + obj.x1

ProFi = require("lib-dev.profi.ProFi")

helper = HelperObjectForNotSoSuperObject()
objects = {}
startTime = love.timer.getTime()
maxGarbage = 0

function love.load()
    for i = 1, maxObjects do
        if testcase == 1 then
            table.insert(objects, SuperObject({x1 = 23423432432432433}))
            table.insert(objects, NotSoSuperObject({x1 = 23423432432432433}))

function love.update(dt)
    for _, object in pairs(objects) do
        if testcase == 1 then
    local garbage = collectgarbage("count")
    if maxGarbage < garbage then
        maxGarbage = garbage
    if love.timer.getTime() - startTime > maxTime then

function love.draw()"Memory actually used (in kB): " .. collectgarbage("count"), 10, 10)"Max Memory (in kB): " .. maxGarbage, 10, 30)"Current FPS: " .. tostring(love.timer.getFPS()), 10, 40)

function love.quit()
    ProFi:writeReport("./temp/MyProfilingReport" .. tostring(testcase) .. ".txt")
    return false
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Re: Benchmark - put every function inside a object or inside a helper object

Post by dusoft »

Looks like a microoptimization to me.

It's rather a programming style question.
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Re: Benchmark - put every function inside a object or inside a helper object

Post by gcmartijn »

Yea but I only want to know if there was a huge differents in speed.
Now I know ;)
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Re: Benchmark - put every function inside a object or inside a helper object

Post by dusoft »

Alright, I misunderstood that as an open question.
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Re: Benchmark - put every function inside a object or inside a helper object

Post by RNavega »

Code: Select all


As I understand it, the second case is right in being more expensive, as it handles more parameters.
In both cases you have a table key query ("anotherFuction1"), but the parameters in the first case are (self,), and in the second case (self, object,).
Maybe that's the only source of difference. I'd test the helper call with dot syntax ( helper.anotherFuction1(object) ) to see if it brings them back to the same speeds.
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