why am i getting the error:

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why am i getting the error:

Post by ender »

Compilation error on line 146:
C:\Users\admin\Downloads\work.love\main.lua:146: 'end' expected (to close 'function' at line 53) near '<eof>'

my code is:

function love.load() --best score 111
bomb_c = love.graphics.newImage("bomb.png")
player_c = love.graphics.newImage("panda.png")
bullet_c = love.graphics.newImage("bullet.png")

max_player_speed = 400
max_bullet_speed = max_player_speed + 50
max_bomb_speed = max_bullet_speed / 2
init_speed = 150
score = 0
player = {
x = 0,
y = 0,
speed = init_speed,
wid = player_c:getWidth(),
hei = player_c:getHeight()
bullet = {
x = 700,
y = 200,
speed = init_speed,
wid = bullet_c:getWidth(),
hei = bullet_c:getHeight(),
x_orig = 700, --used to reset x
bomb = {
x = 700,
y = 100,
speed = init_speed,
wid = bomb_c:getWidth(),
hei = bomb_c:getHeight(),
x_orig = 500, --also used to reset x
update = true
sound2 = love.audio.newSource("boom.mp3", "static")
sound = love.audio.newSource("pling.mp3", "static")

function love.draw()
love.graphics.print("Score = ", 0, 0)
love.graphics.print(score, 50, 0)
-- love.graphics.rectangle("line", player.x-1, player.y-1, player.wid+1, player.hei+1)
love.graphics.draw(player_c, player.x, player.y, 0, wid, hei)

love.graphics.draw(bullet_c, bullet.x, bullet.y)
-- love.graphics.rectangle("line", bullet.x-1, bullet.y-1, bullet.wid+1, bullet.hei+1)

love.graphics.draw(bomb_c, bomb.x, bomb.y)

function love.update(dt)
if love.keyboard.isDown("right") then
player.x = player.x + player.speed * dt
elseif love.keyboard.isDown("left") then
player.x = player.x - player.speed * dt
elseif love.keyboard.isDown("up") then
player.y = player.y - player.speed * dt
elseif love.keyboard.isDown("down") then
player.y = player.y + player.speed * dt
elseif love.keyboard.isDown("space") then
update = not update
else update = update
if update then
bomb.x = bomb.x - bomb.speed * dt
bullet.x = bullet.x - bullet.speed * dt
if checkCollision(player, bullet) then
bullet.x = bullet.x_orig
bullet.y = love.math.random(0, 500)
score = score + 1
bullet.speed = bullet.speed + 25
if bullet.speed > max_bullet_speed then
bullet.speed = max_bullet_speed
player.speed = player.speed + 20
if player.speed > max_player_speed then
player.speed = max_player_speed
if bomb.speed > max_bomb_speed then
bomb.speed = max_bomb_speed
if bullet.x < 0 then
bullet.x = bullet.x_orig
score = 0
bullet.speed = init_speed
end end
if checkCollision2(player, bomb) then
bomb.x = bomb.x_orig
bullet.speed = init_speed
bomb.speed = init_speed
player.speed = init_speed
bomb.speed = bomb.speed + 25
bomb.x = bomb.x_orig
bullet.y = love.math.random(0 ,700)
score = score - score
if bomb.x < -500 then
bomb.x = bomb.x_orig


function checkCollision(a, b)
local a_left = a.x
local a_right = a.x + a.wid
local a_top = a.y
local a_bottom = a.y + a.hei

local b_left = b.x
local b_right = b.x + b.wid
local b_top = b.y
local b_bottom = b.y + b.hei

return a_right > b_left
and a_left < b_right
and a_bottom > b_top
and a_top < b_bottom


function checkCollision2(a, b)
local a_left = a.x
local a_right = a.x + a.wid
local a_top = a.y
local a_bottom = a.y + a.hei

local b_left = b.x
local b_right = b.x + b.wid
local b_top = b.y
local b_bottom = b.y + b.hei

return a_right > b_left
and a_left < b_right
and a_bottom > b_top
and a_top < b_bottom

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Re: why am i getting the error:

Post by pericles »

Seems like you forgot a 'end' in love.update(dt) function.
The one for 'checkCollision(player, bullet)' maybe?
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Re: why am i getting the error:

Post by zorg »

Try indenting your code correctly, that usually instantly reveals where you have end-related issues.
Also use code blocks please.
Me and my stuff :3True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
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