I have encountered two bugs using the Simple Tiled Implementation and the Jumper pathfinding library when using an isometric map. The first one is that only valid grid coordinates that I can move to when clicking on the map are 9,9. Everything else gives me:
jumper/pathfinder.lua:331: Invalid or unreachable location [9, 1]
[love "callbacks.lua"]:228: in function 'handler'
[C]: in function 'assert'
jumper/pathfinder.lua:331: in function 'getPath'
unit.lua:83: in function 'mousepressed'
main.lua:47: in function <main.lua:45>
[love "callbacks.lua"]:154: in function <[love "callbacks.lua"]:144>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
The other is that Jumper doesn't consider map.layers[1].data in the map file to be a valid map for some reason so I'm using an table full of 1s as the grid.
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Isometric Pathfinding Bugs
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Re: Isometric Pathfinding Bugs
I solved the first problem by using math.floor. Would still like to know why Jumper doesn't want to use the tiled map table as it's grid.
Re: Isometric Pathfinding Bugs
Just a random pointer - do you provide map rows as subtables?
This will not work (or rather would be just one straight row of 20 columns):
Code: Select all
local map = {
Code: Select all
local map = {
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Re: Isometric Pathfinding Bugs
Yes they do. I didn't notice that
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