MaxGamz wrote: ↑Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:58 pm
I want the atmosphere to darken the higher the rocket in my game rises. I didn't want to hard code in the values so I decided to use modulo do increment or decrement the color of the sky based on the vertical distance travelled. I found that it does work but not as smoothly as I predicted since there are some moments where the color change is more drastic and less obvious.'
I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do with your code here (side note, I'd really recommend naming variables more explicitly named than val and val2 - here they literally just mean green and blue, so they should be named as such) - modulo seems like a really strange operation to use, and I'm not sure why the player's velocity should have any affect on how the sky looks.
I had a look through the game's relevant code, and here's the solution I've come up with. Since the colour of the sky is purely a graphical change, I recommend doing this calculation in love.draw() instead. The attached solution uses only the distance for the height, so no addition global variables are needed.
Code: Select all
function love.draw()
local fadeHeight = 1000 -- this is the height when the fade starts
local atmosphereHeight = 1500 -- this is the height the fade stops, becoming black
local fade = 1 - math.max(distance - fadeHeight, 0) / (atmosphereHeight - fadeHeight)
-- Here you can set the sky colour by changing the number before fade
local r = 0 * fade
local g = 150/255 * fade
local b = 1 * fade, g, b)
--currAnim:draw(Player.img, Player.x, Player.y, nil, Player.factor * Player.zoom, Player.zoom, 4, 8)"Distance = " .. math.floor(distance) .. " meters", Player.x - 180, Player.y - 140)
The colour values are multiplied by fade, which is calculated using height - when fade is 0, everything will be black, but when it is 1, the colours will be in their base state. You can change the fade and atmosphere height to change where the fade starts and ends to your liking, but atm they're just in a place that's easy to reach.