What 9patch libraries are there? I know there's patchy and slicy (the fixed version of patchy). But they work different. You need to place pixels in the borders of the image.
Are there any other libraries or how to write own with quads?
Are there any other libraries or how to write own with quads?
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loves_lua = "not so",
wants_to = true
Re: 9Patch
Code: Select all
local function newQuadPatch (image, edgeW, edgeH, x, y)
local imageW, imageH = image:getDimensions ()
local middleW, middleH = imageW - 2*edgeW, imageH - 2*edgeH
-- quads:
-- 1 2 3
-- 4 5 6
-- 7 8 9
local quad1 = love.graphics.newQuad(0,0, edgeW, edgeH, image)
local quad2 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW, 0, middleW, edgeH, image)
local quad3 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW+middleW,0, edgeW, edgeH, image)
local quad4 = love.graphics.newQuad(0,edgeH, edgeW, middleH, image)
local quad5 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW,edgeH, middleW, middleH, image)
local quad6 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW+middleW,edgeH, edgeW, middleH, image)
local quad7 = love.graphics.newQuad(0,edgeH+middleH, edgeW, edgeH, image)
local quad8 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW,edgeH+middleH, middleW, edgeH, image)
local quad9 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW+middleW,edgeH+middleH, edgeW, edgeH, image)
local quadPatch = {
x = x or 0,
y = y or 0,
w = imageW,
h = imageH,
edgeW = edgeW,
edgeH = edgeH,
scaleW = 1,
scaleH = 1,
quads = {quad1, quad2, quad3, quad4, quad5, quad6, quad7, quad8, quad9},
image = image,
return quadPatch
Code: Select all
local function updateQuadPatch (quadPatch, w, h) -- new w and h
if not (w == quadPatch.w) or not (h == quadPatch.h) then
local qp = quadPatch
local imageW, imageH = qp.image:getDimensions ()
local scaleW = (w-2*qp.edgeW)/(imageW-2*qp.edgeW)
local scaleH = (h-2*qp.edgeH)/(imageH-2*qp.edgeH)
quadPatch.w = w
quadPatch.h = h
quadPatch.scaleW = scaleW
quadPatch.scaleH = scaleH
Code: Select all
local function drawQuadPatch (qp)
local x1, x2, x3 = qp.x, qp.x+qp.edgeW, qp.x+qp.w-qp.edgeW
local y1, y2, y3 = qp.y, qp.y+qp.edgeH, qp.y+qp.h-qp.edgeH
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[1], x1, y1)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[2], x2, y1, 0, qp.scaleW, 1)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[3], x3, y1)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[4], x1, y2, 0, 1, qp.scaleH)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[5], x2, y2, 0, qp.scaleW, qp.scaleH)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[6], x3, y2, 0, 1, qp.scaleH)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[7], x1, y3)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[8], x2, y3, 0, qp.scaleW, 1)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[9], x3, y3)
Last edited by darkfrei on Wed Jun 28, 2023 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: 9Patch
Ok, thanksdarkfrei wrote: ↑Tue Jun 27, 2023 8:47 pmCode: Select all
local function newQuadPatch (image, edgeW, edgeH, x, y) local imageW, imageH = image:getDimensions () local middleW, middleH = imageW - 2*edgeW, imageH - 2*edgeH -- quads: -- 1 2 3 -- 4 5 6 -- 7 8 9 local quad1 = love.graphics.newQuad(0,0, edgeW, edgeH, image) local quad2 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW, 0, middleW, edgeH, image) local quad3 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW+middleW,0, edgeW, edgeH, image) local quad4 = love.graphics.newQuad(0,edgeH, edgeW, middleH, image) local quad5 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW,edgeH, middleW, middleH, image) local quad6 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW+middleW,edgeH, edgeW, middleH, image) local quad7 = love.graphics.newQuad(0,edgeH+middleH, edgeW, edgeH, image) local quad8 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW,edgeH+middleH, middleW, edgeH, image) local quad9 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW+middleW,edgeH+middleH, edgeW, edgeH, image) local quadPatch = { x = x or 0, y = y or 0, w = imageW, h = imageH, edgeW = edgeW, edgeH = edgeH, scaleW = 1, scaleH = 1, quads = {quad1, quad2, quad3, quad4, quad5, quad6, quad7, quad8, quad9}, image = image, } return quadPatch end
Code: Select all
local function updateQuadPatch (quadPatch, w, h) -- new w and h if not (w == quadPatch.w) or not (h == quadPatch.h) then local qp = quadPatch local imageW, imageH = qp.image:getDimensions () local scaleW = (w-2*qp.edgeW)/(imageW-2*qp.edgeW) local scaleH = (h-2*qp.edgeH)/(imageH-2*qp.edgeH) quadPatch.w = w quadPatch.h = h quadPatch.scaleW = scaleW quadPatch.scaleH = scaleH end end
(not tested)Code: Select all
local function drawQuadPatch (qp) local x1, x2, x3 = qp.x, qp.x+qp.edgeW, qp.x+qp.w-qp.edgeW local y1, y2, y3 = qp.y, qp.y+qp.edgeH, qp.y+qp.h-qp.edgeH love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[1], x1, y1) love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[2], x2, y1, 0, qp.scaleW, 1) love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[3], x3, y1) love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[4], x1, y2, 0, 1, qp.scaleH) love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[5], x2, y2, 0, qp.scaleW, qp.scaleH) love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[6], x3, y2, 0, 1, qp.scaleH) love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[7], x1, y3) love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[8], x2, y3, 0, qp.scaleW, q) love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[9], x3, y3) end
Code: Select all
loves_lua = "not so",
wants_to = true
Re: 9Patch
Just tested it, it works the same as the way I tried to write. Of course I've changed something in your code to fit with mine. But still either the quads are broken, they work the different way or we wrote it the wrong way.
Code: Select all
loves_lua = "not so",
wants_to = true
Re: 9Patch
Code: Select all
local function newQuadPatch (image, edgeW, edgeH, x, y)
local imageW, imageH = image:getDimensions ()
local middleW, middleH = imageW - 2*edgeW, imageH - 2*edgeH
-- quads:
-- 1 2 3
-- 4 5 6
-- 7 8 9
local quad1 = love.graphics.newQuad(0,0, edgeW, edgeH, image)
local quad2 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW, 0, middleW, edgeH, image)
local quad3 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW+middleW,0, edgeW, edgeH, image)
local quad4 = love.graphics.newQuad(0,edgeH, edgeW, middleH, image)
local quad5 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW,edgeH, middleW, middleH, image)
local quad6 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW+middleW,edgeH, edgeW, middleH, image)
local quad7 = love.graphics.newQuad(0,edgeH+middleH, edgeW, edgeH, image)
local quad8 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW,edgeH+middleH, middleW, edgeH, image)
local quad9 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW+middleW,edgeH+middleH, edgeW, edgeH, image)
local quadPatch = {
x = x or 0,
y = y or 0,
w = imageW,
h = imageH,
edgeW = edgeW,
edgeH = edgeH,
scaleW = 1,
scaleH = 1,
quads = {quad1, quad2, quad3, quad4, quad5, quad6, quad7, quad8, quad9},
image = image,
return quadPatch
local function updateQuadPatch (quadPatch, w, h) -- new w and h
if not (w == quadPatch.w) or not (h == quadPatch.h) then
local qp = quadPatch
local imageW, imageH = qp.image:getDimensions ()
local scaleW = (w-2*qp.edgeW)/(imageW-2*qp.edgeW)
local scaleH = (h-2*qp.edgeH)/(imageH-2*qp.edgeH)
quadPatch.w = w
quadPatch.h = h
quadPatch.scaleW = scaleW
quadPatch.scaleH = scaleH
local function drawQuadPatch (qp)
local x, y = qp.x, qp.y
local x1, x2, x3 = x+qp.x, x+qp.x+qp.edgeW, x+qp.x+qp.w-qp.edgeW
local y1, y2, y3 = y+qp.y, y+qp.y+qp.edgeH, y+qp.y+qp.h-qp.edgeH
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[1], x1, y1)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[2], x2, y1, 0, qp.scaleW, 1)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[3], x3, y1)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[4], x1, y2, 0, 1, qp.scaleH)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[5], x2, y2, 0, qp.scaleW, qp.scaleH)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[6], x3, y2, 0, 1, qp.scaleH)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[7], x1, y3)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[8], x2, y3, 0, qp.scaleW, 1)
love.graphics.draw(qp.image, qp.quads[9], x3, y3)
function love.load()
QP = newQuadPatch (love.graphics.newImage('image.png'), 32, 32, 32, 32)
function love.update(dt)
function love.draw()
drawQuadPatch (QP)
function love.keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat)
if key == "escape" then
function love.mousemoved(mx, my)
updateQuadPatch (QP, mx, my)
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Re: 9Patch
Looks like I'll have to send the library code again because I couldn't figure everything in your code out to fit mine.
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loves_lua = "not so",
wants_to = true
Re: 9Patch
Code: Select all
local lib = {}
function lib.load(filename, edgeW, edgeH)
local image = love.graphics.newImage(filename)
local imageW, imageH = image:getDimensions()
local middleW, middleH = imageW - 2*edgeW, imageH - 2*edgeH
-- quads:
-- 1 2 3
-- 4 5 6
-- 7 8 9
local quad1 = love.graphics.newQuad(0,0, edgeW, edgeH, image)
local quad2 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW, 0, middleW, edgeH, image)
local quad3 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW+middleW,0, edgeW, edgeH, image)
local quad4 = love.graphics.newQuad(0,edgeH, edgeW, middleH, image)
local quad5 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW,edgeH, middleW, middleH, image)
local quad6 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW+middleW,edgeH, edgeW, middleH, image)
local quad7 = love.graphics.newQuad(0,edgeH+middleH, edgeW, edgeH, image)
local quad8 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW,edgeH+middleH, middleW, edgeH, image)
local quad9 = love.graphics.newQuad(edgeW+middleW,edgeH+middleH, edgeW, edgeH, image)
local quadPatch = {
w = imageW,
h = imageH,
edgeW = edgeW,
edgeH = edgeH,
quads = {quad1, quad2, quad3, quad4, quad5, quad6, quad7, quad8, quad9},
image = image,
return quadPatch
function lib.draw(patch, x, y, scaleX, scaleY)
local x1, x2, x3 = x, x+patch.edgeW, x+patch.w-patch.edgeW
local y1, y2, y3 = y, y+patch.edgeH, y+patch.h-patch.edgeH
love.graphics.draw(patch.image, patch.quads[1], x1, y1)
love.graphics.draw(patch.image, patch.quads[2], x2, y1, 0, scaleX, 1)
love.graphics.draw(patch.image, patch.quads[3], x3, y1)
love.graphics.draw(patch.image, patch.quads[4], x1, y2, 0, 1, scaleY)
love.graphics.draw(patch.image, patch.quads[5], x2, y2, 0, scaleX, scaleY)
love.graphics.draw(patch.image, patch.quads[6], x3, y2, 0, 1, scaleY)
love.graphics.draw(patch.image, patch.quads[7], x1, y3)
love.graphics.draw(patch.image, patch.quads[8], x2, y3, 0, scaleX, 1)
love.graphics.draw(patch.image, patch.quads[9], x3, y3)
return lib
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loves_lua = "not so",
wants_to = true
Re: 9Patch
You set new scales, but where are you calculates new middleW and middleH after rescaling? Also update the w and h in the object.notcl4y wrote: ↑Thu Jun 29, 2023 6:47 pm Here
Code: Select all
function lib.draw(patch, x, y, scaleX, scaleY)
Re: 9Patch
Maybe turn those into getMiddle() function?
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