Simple Scene Designer: something I've been working on

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Re: Simple Scene Designer: something I've been working on

Post by pauljessup »


I've gone and updated the The library is now basically is at 1.0 and fully usable. The readme contains a lot of stuff, and next I'm going to work on a full featured example, as well as create a function listing and stuff (which are things I find really useful in the libraries I use a lot, like STI and Luven)
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Re: Simple Scene Designer: something I've been working on

Post by pauljessup »

Been working on this example for it now, after refactoring some of the camera code. It's the start...I'll have to add sprite animations and collision to it, but it gives you an idea on how to use the library, and how to load scenes made with it into a game-

I have to add credits for the music and art, since I didn't do any of those. But that will be in the next update for it.

The example is separate than the actual library code, so that it's easy to download the code without getting all the graphics and stuff for the example.

Added credits and stuff. So the demo is fully playable, and you can see how the scene designer works, just hit escape, move stuff around, delete layers, scale things, etc. Have fun! Experiment. Also see how easy it is to use by looking at the main.lua source code.
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Re: Simple Scene Designer: something I've been working on

Post by pauljessup »

Working on a stand alone version of the designer, a .love file you can drop in the same directory as your main file and use it to edit scenes outside of the game. As well as a scene loader/player .lua file (without the editing tools) for putting in a game ready to be released
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Re: Simple Scene Designer: something I've been working on

Post by pauljessup »

I'm going to be adding some more functionality to this, and then posting the function listing/etc and some more really simple examples. And then a little later, maybe early next year, I'll post a really robust version of the library that does more stuff (but the basic one will still be there, for those who don't want to use the collision detection/lighting/etc that I put in the more robust version of the library). With that version, there will be a stand alone version of the editor itself, working in tandem with a loader library that's streamlined and optimized for gameplay itself (and without all the editor bits).

Also need to work on some tutorials on how to use it...
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Re: Simple Scene Designer: something I've been working on

Post by pauljessup »

I'm working on the stand alone editor's going to be available as a .love file you can drop into your new game folder where your main.lua is, and will allow you to edit things in relative sub directories. I'll also include a simple loader .lua file to include in your main.lua, so you can load and use it. This stand alone version will have dynamic lighting you can implement using Luven, so you can easily visually add lighting to a scene and see how it works.
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