The command prompt is printing the coord's but the love window doesn't show anything and just say "not responding".
thanks in advance !Code: Select all
[b]main.lua[/b] local she = require("she") local She ="She", 100, 200) She:start() local image function love.load(), 255, 255) image ="assets/She/She.png") end function love.update(dt) She:update() -- Call the update function of the She instance end function love.draw(), She.x, She.y) end // put your code here [b]She.lua[/b] local she = {} local she_meta = { __index = she } function, x, y) local instance = { sheActive = false, name = name, x = x, y = y, updateCoroutine = nil } setmetatable(instance, she_meta) function instance:start() self.sheActive = true self.updateCoroutine = coroutine.create(self.update) coroutine.resume(self.updateCoroutine, self) end function instance:move() local randomNumberX = math.random(-1, 1) local randomNumberY = math.random(-1, 1) self.x = self.x + randomNumberX self.y = self.y + randomNumberY end function instance:update() while self.sheActive do self:move() print(self.x, self.y) end end return instance end return she