Disappearing Table Field

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Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:51 am

Disappearing Table Field

Post by eclectocrat »


I am just starting with LOVE on OS X 10.6 and have come upon an unusual problem that has stumped me. I will post the code in it's entirety because it is so short and simple.

Code: Select all

Tile =
	new = function (w, h)
		local ret = {}
		for k,v in pairs(Map) do
			ret[k] = v
		ret.w = w
		ret.h = h
		return ret

	w = 0,
	h = 0,

	draw = function (self, x, y)
		love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, self.w, self.h)
Map =
	new = function (w, h, tilew, tileh)
		local ret = {}
		for k,v in pairs(Map) do
			ret[k] = v
		ret.tiles = {}
		for i = 1,w do
			local array = {}
			for j = 1,h do table.insert(array, nil) end
			table.insert(ret.tiles, array)
		ret.w = w
		ret.h = h
		ret.tilew = tilew
		ret.tileh = tileh
		return ret
	tile = function (self, x, y, t)
		t = t or self.tiles[x][y]
		self.tiles[x][y] = t
		return t
	draw = function (self, sx, sy)
		if self.tiles then
			sx = sx or 0
			sy = sy or 0
			love.graphics.setColor(0, 128, 128, 255)
			for x = 1,self.w do
				for y = 1,self.h do
                                        -- self.tile is nil HERE
					local t = self.tiles[x][y]
					if t then t:draw(
						sx + (x - 1) * self.tilew, 
						sy + (y -1 ) * self.tileh)
				"WTF? self.tiles = " .. tostring(self.tiles), 200, 200)

world 	= nil
function love.load()
	local font = love.graphics.newFont(12)
	world = Map.new(20, 20, 16, 16)
	local tile = Tile.new(16, 16)
	for x = 1,world.w do
		for y = 1,world.h do
			if math.random(10) > 6 then
				world:tile(x, y, tile)
function love.draw()
	love.graphics.print("PRE: world.tiles = " .. tostring(world.tiles),
		200, 100)
	love.graphics.print("POST: world.tiles = " .. tostring(world.tiles),
		200, 300)
So only in the world.draw function is world.tiles equal to nil. Whats weirder is that world.w and world.h are not nil, and self is not nil. Please, can anyone reproduce this bug? Am I missing something painfully obvious?

Thanks for any insight.
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Location: Queensland, Australia

Re: Disappearing Table Field

Post by BlackBulletIV »

Well I've spent a bit of time with your code and here's what I can see. Somehow, in your Map.draw method, someone how you're getting into some sort of recursion. I printed the value of world.tiles out the console before calling draw, and inside of draw and after draw. This is what I got:

Code: Select all

1 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - nil
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
2 - table: 0x1462c80
3 - table: 0x1462c80
The number 1 is before, 2 is in inside, and 3 is after. After I get print out 3, I quit the program (using "love.event.push('q')"). This obviously shows some recursion is occurring, and sometimes the table is a real table, other times it's not. I suspect the problem is here:

Code: Select all

if t then t:draw(
   sx + (x - 1) * self.tilew, 
   sy + (y -1 ) * self.tileh)
I think that somehow, t:draw() is mapping to the world object, but the proper self is not being provided. I've got no idea how this is possible (I'd have to look a lot harder I suspect), but this is the only call to a method named draw inside of the Map.draw method. Hopefully this information should be able to help you work out the problem.
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Re: Disappearing Table Field

Post by Robin »

I can't tell right now, but one thing I can see is that you're doing

Code: Select all

      local ret = {}
      for k,v in pairs(Map) do
         ret[k] = v
rather than

Code: Select all

      local ret = setmetatable({}, {__index = Map}) -- the second table could be defined elsewhere
-- you could even have Map.__index = Map somewhere and use setmetatable({}, Map) here.
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Re: Disappearing Table Field

Post by eclectocrat »

Aha! BlackBulletIV, thanks! I was mistakenly copying the Map prototype instead of the Tile prototype when making new tiles, thats where the recursion came in. Thanks a lot for your help!
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Re: Disappearing Table Field

Post by BlackBulletIV »

There we go! I've run into many problems like this already; so obvious when you find them, but utterly confusing at first glance. No worries mate. ;)
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