Recently I have updated one game from Love 11.2 to Love 11.4.
So far, everything has been good, but I did notice one funny thing:
Code: Select all
local temp = {}
temp["stone"] = 1
temp["scrap"] = 1
temp["organics"] = 1
temp["quartz"] = 1
for id,_ in pairs(temp) do
Code: Select all
I understand that different order of pairs() iteration is expected behavior in Lua and that I shouldn't rely on it.
And I didn't, but it looks like a major change, which can cause some games to behave differently.
Both versions states that the Lua version is 5.1 when I use print(_VERSION). LuaJIT has been updated?
Is this expected behaviour? What changed from Love 11.2 to 11.4 to cause this?