How to blend light colours?

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How to blend light colours?

Post by Gunroar:Cannon() »

So in a simple tile based system where a light source spreads colours to tiles around it in a decreasing intensity, then the tile draws the light depending on how far it is from the source (through multiplying r,g,b by a value that gets smaller the further away it is).

This is fine with one color but when more than one "light" is on I tried to make them "blend" together by multiplying all the light colours on tile.

Code: Select all

function multiplyc(t, color, ...)
    for i = 1, #color do
        t[i] = t[i]*color[i]

    local color = {1,1,1}
    for i, col in pairs(tile.lightColors) do
        color = multiplyc(color, col)
Though this leads to problems with red dominating. I tried adding the colors but I got problems there to (like white dominating) but I read somewhere that multiplying them is the correct way.

Any thoughts on how to fix?
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Re: How to blend light colours?

Post by BrotSagtMist »

Never seen that method for light in the wild.
I always thought the usual approach in games for light is to have the source punch holes in a mask that is then drawn to darken tiles.
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Re: How to blend light colours?

Post by Gunroar:Cannon() »

Ahh. It's a roguelike so I'm using fov for light. I'm just kinda trying to implement the lighting in brogue for example...
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Re: How to blend light colours?

Post by Bigfoot71 »

Super cool ! :D (I'm so beat I thought it was your job, I really need to rest, what an idiot I am, at least I will have discovered a cool little game :ultrahappy: )

Otherwise by simply adding the colors the problem you describe does not seem to appear but I do not know if this is exactly what you want. Here is the result:

And here is the code I wrote quickly to do it:

Code: Select all

-- Initialize light colors --

local lightColors = {

    { -- yellow (player)
        x = 1, y=1,
        r=1, g=1, b=0

    { -- red
        x = 5, y=5,
        r=1, g=0, b=0

    { -- green
        x = 15, y=10,
        r=0, g=1, b=0

    { -- blue
        x = 10, y=15,
        r=0, g=0, b=1


-- Initialize the card --

local mapWidth = 20
local mapHeight = 20
local tileWidth = 32
local tileHeight = 32

local map = {}
for x = 1, mapWidth do
    map[x] = {}
    for y = 1, mapHeight do
        map[x][y] = {0,0,0}

-- Main functions --

local function addc(c1, c2)
    for i = 1, #c2 do
        c1[i] = c1[i]+c2[i]

--local function normalizec(c)
--    local sum = c[1]+c[2]+c[3]
--    for i = 1, #c do c[i] = c[i]/sum end

local function drawMap()

    for x = 1, mapWidth do
        for y = 1, mapHeight do

            local color = {0, 0, 0} -- Calculate the final tile color by adding the light colors together

            for i, lc in ipairs(lightColors) do
                local distance = math.sqrt((x-lc.x)^2+(y-lc.y)^2)
                local intensity = 1 / (distance + 1)
                addc(color, {lc.r * intensity, lc.g * intensity, lc.b * intensity})

            addc(color, map[x][y]) -- Add the base color of the tile

  "fill", (x-1)*tileWidth, (y-1)*tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight)


function love.keypressed(k)

    local p = lightColors[1]

    if k == "up" then
        p.y = math.max(p.y - 1, 1)
    elseif k == "down" then
        p.y = math.min(p.y + 1, mapHeight)
    elseif k == "left" then
        p.x = math.max(p.x - 1, 1)
    elseif k == "right" then
        p.x = math.min(p.x + 1, mapWidth)


function love.draw()
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Re: How to blend light colours?

Post by Gunroar:Cannon() »

Nice! Thanks, adding seems better. But now I rememebr the problem with it. If there are too many colours I just get white. Like 3 oranges (1,.7,.7) will give me values higher than 1 and I'll get white. Any fixes?

(Those debugging numbers on each tile are r,g,b values to 2 significant figures I think.)
Screenshot_2023-04-19-10-15-45.png (186.33 KiB) Viewed 3526 times
White (should be orange)
White (should be orange)
Screenshot_2023-04-19-10-16-24.png (284.52 KiB) Viewed 3526 times
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Re: How to blend light colours?

Post by Bigfoot71 »

Well, it's normal behavior that when there's too much light the results become white if the sum of all components exceeds 1, I don't know what to say. It's like in real life, white is just the mixture of all spectra.

You could normalize the values but the result won't be more realistic, even though artistically it might work, it's up to you to decide.
I think the best way to do it in this case (if it's good at all) would be to do it like this in my opinion (but it should generally darken the result):

Code: Select all

-- Find the maximum value
local max = 0
for i = 1, #color do
  if color[i] > max then
    max = color[i]

-- Normalization of values
for i = 1, #color do
  color[i] = color[i] / max  -- ( `x * (1/max)` can be faster if the division is calculated beforehand )
Or added a max value (one possible way):

Code: Select all

local function addc(c1, c2, max)
    for i = 1, #c2 do
        c1[i] = math.min(c1[i]+c2[i], max[i])
Maybe there are other better solutions but I couldn't tell, or it doesn't immediately come to mind.

Otherwise if there is really too much white, reduce the light sources or change their values, this is perhaps the most "pragmatic" answer :ultraglee:
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Re: How to blend light colours?

Post by Bigfoot71 »

Bigfoot71 wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 10:33 am Well, it's normal behavior that when there's too much light the results become white if the sum of all components exceeds 1, I don't know what to say. It's like in real life, white is just the mixture of all spectra.

You could normalize the values but the result won't be more realistic, even though artistically it might work, it's up to you to decide.
I think the best way to do it in this case (if it's good at all) would be to do it like this in my opinion (but it should generally darken the result):

Code: Select all

-- Find the maximum value
local max = 0
for i = 1, #color do
  if color[i] > max then
    max = color[i]

-- Normalization of values
for i = 1, #color do
  color[i] = color[i] / max  -- ( `x * (1/max)` can be faster if the division is calculated beforehand )
Or added a max value (one possible way):

Code: Select all

local function addc(c1, c2, max)
    for i = 1, #c2 do
        c1[i] = math.min(c1[i]+c2[i], max[i])
Maybe there are other better solutions but I couldn't tell, or it doesn't immediately come to mind.

Otherwise if there is really too much white, reduce the light sources or change their values, this is perhaps the most "pragmatic" answer :ultraglee:
Edit: After some tests, maybe this result would suit you better, I took as an example only colors worth (1,.7,.7):

With addc:

With a custom mixc function (sorry for the quality but there is indeed a difference in hue, the white comes less quickly):

The function in question:

Code: Select all

local function mixc(c1, c2)
    c1[1] = c1[1] + (1 - c1[1]) * c2[1]
    c1[2] = c1[2] + (1 - c1[2]) * c2[2]
    c1[3] = c1[3] + (1 - c1[3]) * c2[3]
Otherwise, another way to approach the problem would be to use subtractive blends to start from the base color or white and go to black, rather than from black to go to light. And indeed one of the best way would be to do as you said in your first post, but we will come across the same problems that you mentioned in this case, because 1*1=1 and 0.7*0.7=0.48999999999999994 so ​​the strongest component will always dominate after multiplication:

Code: Select all

local function mixc(c1, c2)
    for i = 1, #c1 do
        c1[i] = c1[i] * c2[i]
In short, try different blending until you find the one that suits you personally, but in terms of realism I think the addition would be the best in this case, maybe I'm wrong.

Otherwise you forget the idea of ​​mixing the lights and you only darken the colors according to the distance.

(Small mistake, I quoted instead of edited without realizing it, sorry)
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Re: How to blend light colours?

Post by Gunroar:Cannon() »

Wow, thanks. Yeah, you're right. A lot of light would appear white ( though wouldn't a lot of green light still appear green?).

One of these should hopeully work.
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Re: How to blend light colours?

Post by Bigfoot71 »

Gunroar:Cannon() wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 3:24 pm A lot of light would appear white ( though wouldn't a lot of green light still appear green?).
With the additive method the sum of only two green lights will always appear green, for example:

Code: Select all

(0,1,0) + (0,1,0) = (0,2,0) -- Will always give the same green
(1,0,0) + (0,1,0) = (1,1,0) -- Red color plus green color will give yellow color
(1,1,0) + (0,0,1) = (1,1,1) -- Yellow color plus blue color will result in white color
But I tried to hack something with a linear function like this (where `t` is the intensity obtained via the distance from the light source):

Code: Select all

local function lerpColor(c1, c2, t)
    c1[1] = c1[1] * (1 - t) + c2[1] * t
    c1[2] = c1[2] * (1 - t) + c2[2] * t
    c1[3] = c1[3] * (1 - t) + c2[3] * t
And here is what it gives:

However it should be noted that the color mixing behaves in a way that the last color of the table will have a greater weight than the others, besides this fact, the rendering may be a little more "realistic" in a way because what I mentioned before is an approximation. To be more precise, in real life light blends don't always produce white. There are many factors at play, such as the colors of the surfaces involved, their reflectivity and texture, etc. And in some of these cases one color could subtract another. The calculations necessary to obtain a 100% realistic result will be much more complex, and at this level the use of a shader would be better. I think that here, whatever solution you choose, you will have a good compromise.

But if you want to go even further, according to my research, we could consider a method of subtraction using CMY colors that we convert back to RGB, or also by doing the work from HSL colors and converting back to RGB, but it gets more computationally advanced and that's where a shader would be more appropriate.

But be sure that if I find a better solution not too cumbersome to implement to your problem I will share it because I am also interested.

However without going too far, the addition of color which gives white, for the management of 2D light is quite suitable, we are not in high-flying simulation and the end user should not ask too many questions.

You can see how other Löve libraries handle light:

The full last try code:

Code: Select all

-- Initialize light colors --

local lightColors = {

    { -- yellow (player)
        x = 1, y=1,
        1, 1, 0

    { -- red
        x = 5, y=5,
        1, 0, 0

    { -- green
        x = 15, y=10,
        0, 1, 0

    { -- blue
        x = 10, y=15,
        0, 0, 1


local mapWidth = 100
local mapHeight = 75
local tileWidth = 8
local tileHeight = 8

-- Main functions --

local function lerpColor(c1, c2, t)
    c1[1] = c1[1] * (1 - t) + c2[1] * t
    c1[2] = c1[2] * (1 - t) + c2[2] * t
    c1[3] = c1[3] * (1 - t) + c2[3] * t

local function drawMap()

    for x = 1, mapWidth do
        for y = 1, mapHeight do

            local color = {0, 0, 0}

            for i, lc in ipairs(lightColors) do
                local distance = math.sqrt((x-lc.x)^2+(y-lc.y)^2)
                local intensity = 1 / (distance + 1)
                lerpColor(color, lc, intensity)

  "fill", (x-1)*tileWidth, (y-1)*tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight)


function love.keypressed(k)

    local p = lightColors[1]

    if k == "up" then
        p.y = math.max(p.y - 1, 1)
    elseif k == "down" then
        p.y = math.min(p.y + 1, mapHeight)
    elseif k == "left" then
        p.x = math.max(p.x - 1, 1)
    elseif k == "right" then
        p.x = math.min(p.x + 1, mapWidth)


local scale = 1

function love.wheelmoved(x, y)
    scale = scale + y

function love.draw()
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