Inky, a GUI framework

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Inky, a GUI framework

Post by Tjakka5 »

"What? Another GUI library?" I hear you ask. Yes, but wait. This one is different.

Inky is a GUI framework that aims to solve LÖVE's problem of having no generic GUI framework that can work everywhere for anything. Most of LÖVE's GUI frameworks provide a (limited) set of widgets, and/or constrain itself to only a single input system. Inky gives complete freedom in both these aspects: Mouse, Mobile, Gamepad, Retro, Modern, Windowed. Everything is possible with Inky.

Inky does not provide any out of the box widgets for you to use. If you want a button, you'll have to program it. However! Inky does provide everything to make this process streamlined and easy. Making a widget means settings up 'hooks' for the widget's logic, and providing a draw function. Inky provides hooks to respond to events, interact with pointers, manage state, perform side effects, and much more.

Making a simple button is as easy as:

Code: Select all

return Inky.defineElement(function(self)
	context:onPointer("release", function()
		print("I have been clicked!")

	return function(_, x, y, w, h)"line", x, y, w, h)"Click me!", x, y, w, "center")
And that button is fully customizable. Want to add a icon? Just throw a '' in there. Change color on hover? Inky's 'context:onPointerEnter' has got you covered.
This way, you'll be able to create a GUI that fits YOUR game, with the widgets YOU need.

Source code, documentation and examples are available on the Github page:
Last edited by Tjakka5 on Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Inky, a GUI framework

Post by ivan »

I do not know much about React but my first impression is that the use of closures reminds me of JavaScript.
This is usually not a big deal in terms of performance, as long as you do not create a lot of new closures each frame which get garbage collected and may cause sudden drops in frame rate.
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Re: Inky, a GUI framework

Post by Tjakka5 »

Hey Ivan,

The examples indeed use closures a lot, (in my opion) it helps a lot with readability. They would only be created when a UI Element is created, but if you're creating lots of the same element, you'd have a lot of 'duplicate' closures.
'self' is passed to all those functions, so if memory usage and/or performance is a concern it's easy enough to move the closures out:

Code: Select all

local function onRelease(self)
	print("I have been clicked!")

local function render(self, x, y, w, h)"line", x, y, w, h)"Click me!", x, y, w, "center")

return Inky.defineElement(function(self)
	context:onPointer("release", onRelease)

	return render
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Re: Inky, a GUI framework

Post by dusoft »

Readability is a thing of preference. See these examples that I find more readable than your compacted closures:

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local interface = {
    panel = {
        icon_width = 50,
        functions = {
            { name = 'Stop', image = 'tram.png', handler = { id = 'stop', callback = function() interface.handler.stop() end }, mouseover = function() return lines.isLine() end },
            { name = 'Line', image = 'tram.png', handler = { id = 'line', callback = function() interface.handler.line() end }, mouseover = function() return roads.isRoad() end },
            { name = ' [i]', image = 'tram.png', handler = { id = 'info', callback = function() end }, mouseover = function() return end },
            { name = 'Finances', image = 'tram.png', handler = { id = 'finances', callback = function() interface.handler.finances() end }, mouseover = function() return false end }
I.e. I am using anonymous functions as handlers/callbacks that point to the actual named functions.
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