I'm trying to find documentation or examples (SDL or LÖVE) on how to display a slanted grid in 2D and if possible animated, something like this:
I've tried several ways but can't come up with anything very convincing, I ended up using the Playmat library, generating a grid image from a canvas, setting the camera render size to the width of the screen and half its height and using lg.translate while scrolling the X-axis of the camera... (that's a lot of call for something that could be much cheaper I guess)
Here is the result:
Otherwise I thought to do it by displaying lines and applying a translation to the points, a bit like this (this code only displays a simple grid with lines, I miss the good way to "simulate" the Z axis)
Code: Select all
local WIN_W, WIN_H = love.graphics.getDimensions()
local CELL_SIZE = 20
local POINTS = { x={}, y={} }
local px = POINTS.x
for x = 0, WIN_W, CELL_SIZE do
px[#px+1] = x
local py = POINTS.y
for y = 0, WIN_H, CELL_SIZE do
py[#py+1] = y
function love.draw()
local px = POINTS.x
local py = POINTS.y
for x = 1, #px-1 do
local x1 = px[x] -- What calculation should be applied to obtain the perspective?
local x2 = px[x+1] -- What calculation should be applied to obtain the perspective?
for y = 1, #py-1 do
local y1 = py[y] -- What calculation should be applied to obtain the perspective?
local y2 = py[y+1] -- What calculation should be applied to obtain the perspective?
love.graphics.line(x1, y1, x1, y2)
love.graphics.line(x1, y1, x2, y1)