when you use function as:
It means that you will call this function, get result (with return keyword, or nil if there is nothing to return)
If you need to pass function, you do:
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In your case, you pass stencilFunction() to love.graphics.stencil(stencilFinction(exampleArgs)), which returns nil (since, i guess, your stencilFunction doesn't return anything).
If you need to pass arguments to your stencilFunction, you might try use value for that outside:
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local argForStencil = 0
local function stencilFunction()
local arg = argForStencil
if arg == 0 then
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 225, 200, 350, 300)
elseif arg == 1 then
love.graphics.rectangle("fill",0, 0, 350, 300)
function love.draw()
love.graphics.stencil(stencilFunction, "replace", 1)
And then change value depending on situation. You also might try to do this with closures or metatables, or some oop shenanigans.
Also it might possible to do like this:
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local decideStencil = function(arg, x, y)
if arg == 1 then
return function()
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, 350, 300)
elseif arg == 2 then
return function()
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, 100, 100)
love.graphics.stencil(decideStencil(1, 100, 100), "replace", 1)