Hi all!
Is it possible to make a tone signal? I've tried with the 1000 Hz 1 second wave file, but I hear small pause every second. Is it possible to make it continuously?
How to make 1000 Hz signal and 1500 Hz signal simultaneously?
How to make tone signal and multiple tone signals?
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- Prole
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2022 9:37 am
Re: How to make tone signal and multiple tone signals?
I've generated the file on some online sound generator and it was with this problem too.
Just make your own sound as
Just make your own sound as
Code: Select all
local rate = 44100 -- samples per second
local length = 1/32 -- 0.03125 seconds
local tone = 440.0 -- Hz
local p = math.floor(rate/tone) -- 100 (wave length in samples)
local soundData = love.sound.newSoundData(math.floor(length*rate), rate, 16, 1)
for i=0, soundData:getSampleCount() - 1 do
-- soundData:setSample(i, math.sin(2*math.pi*i/p)) -- sine wave.
soundData:setSample(i, i%p<p/2 and 1 or -1) -- square wave; the first half of the wave is 1, the second half is -1.
local source = love.audio.newSource(soundData)
local function beep() source:play() end
Code: Select all
Re: How to make tone signal and multiple tone signals?
You can use a queueable source to generate continuous sound.
Code: Select all
local signal1Frequency = 1000
local signal2Frequency = 1500
local bufferSize = 1024
local sampleRate = 48000
local bitDepth = 16
local internalBuffers = 4
function love.load()
data = love.sound.newSoundData(bufferSize, sampleRate, bitDepth, 1)
source = love.audio.newQueueableSource(sampleRate, bitDepth, 1, internalBuffers)
local sampleCounter = 0
function love.update(dt)
for i = 1, source:getFreeBufferCount() do
for sampleIndex = 0, bufferSize-1 do
local time = sampleCounter / sampleRate
local signal1 = math.sin(signal1Frequency * time * 2*math.pi)
local signal2 = math.sin(signal2Frequency * time * 2*math.pi)
local combined = (signal1 + signal2) / 2
data:setSample(sampleIndex, combined)
sampleCounter = sampleCounter + 1
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"If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made."
"If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made."
Re: How to make tone signal and multiple tone signals?
I wonder if the "small pause" you hear is actually a click that happens when the length is not an exact multiple of the period. A simple looping source should suffice, if you are cautious with that.
Code: Select all
local function getLoopingSineSource(freq)
local single_period_length = 44100 / freq
-- Make a search for the length that is closest to an exact multiple of
-- the period in the first 20 full cycles
local closest, closest_length
for i = 1, 20 do
local period = i * single_period_length
local rounded = math.floor(period + 0.5)
local dist = math.abs(period - rounded)
if i == 1 or dist < closest then
closest = dist
closest_length = rounded
local sdata = love.sound.newSoundData(closest_length, 44100, 16, 1)
for i = 0, closest_length - 1 do
sdata:setSample(i, math.sin(2 * math.pi / single_period_length * i))
local src = love.audio.newSource(sdata)
return src
local src = getLoopingSineSource(1000)
local src2 = getLoopingSineSource(1500)
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