Hello! I got my head scratching right now. I'm making another test-game to learn more about Löve2d and it's going really well, I just cannot put my finger on how to construct this function. Each enemy spawned will run it at 2 seconds interval, and they despawn after 7 seconds of lifespan.
I need this function to get them to point A to point B smoothly in a set duration, beeing 1 second for my game.
Here is a vector plane I made to make my function help request more clear:
This function also means it will take the same time to go from point A to B beeing 500 pixels apart as it takes to go from point A to B beeing 1200 pixels apart.
Hope it's not too confusing or unclear, I can try to make it more clear if you ask! this vector plane was my best way to describe the desired function.
Need help creating a specific function
Need help creating a specific function
A coding begginer that is migrating from 8 years of Scratch... yea yikes.
Re: Need help creating a specific function
Maybe this can help you get started?
Code: Select all
local enemy = {
origin = {x = 100, y = 100}, -- pixels
destination = {x = 400, y = 200},
duration = 1.0, -- seconds
elapsed = 0.0
local function lerp(from, to, t)
return {x = from.x + (to.x - from.x) * t,
y = from.y + (to.y - from.y) * t}
function love.update(dt)
enemy.elapsed = enemy.elapsed + dt
enemy.position = lerp(enemy.origin, enemy.destination, enemy.elapsed / enemy.duration)
function love.draw()
if enemy.elapsed < enemy.duration then
love.graphics.circle('fill', enemy.position.x, enemy.position.y, 10)
LÖVE-Nuklear - a lightweight immediate mode GUI for LÖVE games
Re: Need help creating a specific function
I'm sorry I have trouble understanding that, since all enemies in my game are from a table and for i,v in ipairs(Enemy) method, here's my current enemy ai code:
Code: Select all
EnemySprite = love.graphics.newImage("/sprites/enemy.png")
require 'damage_indicator'
function Enemy_AI_update(dt) --AI code
for i,v in ipairs(Enemy) do
v.lifespan = v.lifespan - dt
if v.lifespan >= 0 then
v.AItimer = v.AItimer + dt
v.timer = v.timer + dt
if v.timer >= BPS(v.ebps) then
EnemyBullet.shoot(v.x, v.y)
TEsound.play("/sounds/enemy_shoot.wav","static", nil, 0.25)
v.timer = 0
if v.AItimer >= 2 then
Goto(v.x, v.y, math.random(50,710), math.random(50, 390), 1)
v.AItimer = 0
if v.x > 380 then
v.x = v.x + 500 * dt
if v.x >= 810 then table.remove(Enemy,i) missed = missed + 1 end
v.x = v.x - 500 * dt
if v.x <= -50 then table.remove(Enemy,i) missed = missed + 1 end
for a,b in ipairs(bullet) do --miracle solution found on http://www.osmstudios.com/tutorials/your-first-love2d-game-in-200-lines-part-3-of-3 ! detects collision between each enemies and player's bullets
if CheckCollision(v.x, v.y, v.width, v.height, b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height) then
v.health = v.health - 1
table.remove(bullet, a)
damageIndicator.spawn(v.x,v.y, 1)
TEsound.play("/sounds/enemy_hit.wav", "static")
if v.health == 0 then
table.remove(Enemy, i)
table.remove(bullet, a)
Eexplosion_spawn(v.x, v.y)
score = score + 1
if math.random(0,1) == 1 then
function Enemy_draw()
for i,v in ipairs(Enemy) do
love.graphics.draw(EnemySprite, v.x, v.y, nil, nil, nil,25,25)
function CheckCollision(x1,y1,w1,h1,x2,y2,w2,h2) --miracle solution.................. had to add 25 offset for the enemy(half of the enemy's size) for some hecking reason or the hitbox was offset to the right smh
return x1-25 < x2+w2 and
x2 < x1-25+w1 and
y1 < y2+h2 and
y2 < y1+h1
function GoTo(x1,y1, x2,y2, delay) --x1,y1 enemy current position ;;; x2,y2 destination point ;;; delay is the time it takes to go from point 1 to point 2
--missing function
Last edited by BoonyBuny on Fri Jun 17, 2022 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A coding begginer that is migrating from 8 years of Scratch... yea yikes.
Re: Need help creating a specific function
The x and y position are independent and therefore can be calculated independently. I just calculated the formula for x, but for y it is the same:
The function you want is written in the second part. If you do not want any ifs, then you can use the min- and max-functions to clamp the position between x¹ and x².
In the third part I calculated the linear part of the function.
Edit: To slow!
A few things that spring to mind seeing your code:
The first part is a sketch of the function. Before the delay and after the delay + the duration the enemies do not move. In between I used an linear interpolation.The function you want is written in the second part. If you do not want any ifs, then you can use the min- and max-functions to clamp the position between x¹ and x².
In the third part I calculated the linear part of the function.
Edit: To slow!
A few things that spring to mind seeing your code:
- You only need a simple lerp (look at keharrisos post). And not my more complicated version.
- Do not delete entries in a table you are currently iterating over! This will mess up the iteration counter and strange things will happen.
- Enemy_AI_update(dt) will run multiple times a second. Every time you choose a new target for your enemy to go to. This will end up in your enemies all "shivering", but not moving somewhere else. You need to choose a target position for each enemy once and then update its position a fraction of the distance between its starting position and target position (1 second / dt). After an enemy reached its target position you could choose a new one.
Re: Need help creating a specific function
Holy, I'm so sorry but my 11th grade school dropped self just cannot understand this at all, im sorry for making you waste your time on writing all of this
A coding begginer that is migrating from 8 years of Scratch... yea yikes.
Re: Need help creating a specific function
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/226938852/ Is the thing im basing my project on, it's a project I made 4 years ago, and my function will just allow them to "glide"/lerp to a set point, like I did on scratch at the time, since scratch has its own "Glide to x() y() in () seconds"
scratch really messed me up
scratch really messed me up
A coding begginer that is migrating from 8 years of Scratch... yea yikes.
Re: Need help creating a specific function
What you want is a function that acts across frames to move your enemy to the desired location over a period of time. Unfortunately, this is not possible. No matter what you do, you need to have *something* in love.update that moves the enemy frame by frame. You can take my code as an example and add the requisite fields to your enemy objects:
- origin
- destination
- duration
- elapsed
LÖVE-Nuklear - a lightweight immediate mode GUI for LÖVE games
Re: Need help creating a specific function
Thank you for your help, I will try to """""convert"""""" it for my code ! I understand how it works mostly, i'll give updates when things starts to look better than a blue screen
A coding begginer that is migrating from 8 years of Scratch... yea yikes.
Re: Need help creating a specific function
No problem! And please do post updates, I love to see what other people are working on.
Last edited by keharriso on Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
LÖVE-Nuklear - a lightweight immediate mode GUI for LÖVE games
Re: Need help creating a specific function
I almost got it, i just need some polishing and fix some minors not-BSOD worthy bugs ! when i'm done i'll post a webm video of my project and the result
A coding begginer that is migrating from 8 years of Scratch... yea yikes.
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