Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

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Smooth Sailing
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Re: Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

Post by Smooth Sailing »

ReFreezed wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 4:34 pm Looking good! The project seem to be progressing nicely.
Yeah, its moving along. Might get something that's viable for Steam Early Access next year.

Still have AI, new UI, some functionality and a whole lot of polish and content to add, but there doesn't seem to be any glaring issues at hand.
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Smooth Sailing
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Re: Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

Post by Smooth Sailing »

:: BnB ::
dev :: Commander Rad
tools :: Love2D, Maya, Blender, Spine, Photoshop,
web ::
progress ::
+ Restored multiplayer
+ Fixed particle system
+ Fixed some problems with the release packaging tool
- Re-uploaded version 0.05 right after launch because of crashes. Ooops
+ ImGui switchover nearly complete for main menu, map editor and particle editor. This is for version 0.06
+ Fixed a huge bug with having different font sizes for the same elements in ImGui.
+ Revisited map generation. Streamlined and automated part of the process. (image)
- Now its very easy to acquire a series of standard-scale map images based on longitude and latitude.
- Automated the process to process and generate heightmaps and basic tilemaps.
+ Still need to draw roads in for now, but I'd like to automate that in future as well.
+ Buildings placement is something I'd like to partially automate in future as well. The goal is to generate as much of the map from real-world data as possible.
+ Added resulting 6 maps for the island of Crete into the game. All 4 player maps, except for the far eastern tip of Crete, which is only 3 player.
+ Added night tracks, as well as faction-specific chill and battle tracks to the game for a total of 9 new tracks of music.
- This increased the game size by around 150 Mbs, might need to compress the music in future.
+ Version 0.051 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
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Smooth Sailing
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Re: Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

Post by Smooth Sailing »

:: BnB ::
dev :: Commander Rad
tools :: Love2D, Maya, Blender, Spine, Photoshop,
web ::
progress ::
+ Mainly focused on UI implementation now.
- Entering UI hell.
+ New sidebar design is being fleshed out, currently, only the middle tabbed portion is done in detail (pic)
- the top minimap and bottom live feed / unit portraits are mockups for now and will come later.
+ Trying out Zeplin UI workflow. UI is being done using art boards in Photoshop.
- Never have done UI for real before, feedback very much appreciated!
+ Added new entity tagging system to support the UI, the tags are filterable and searchable, aiding in the display of information.
+ Research into map scale is done for now, the workflow for terrain map production is done, roadmaps have yet to begin.
+ Version 0.051 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
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Smooth Sailing
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Re: Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

Post by Smooth Sailing »

:: BnB ::
dev :: Commander Rad
tools :: Love2D, Maya, Blender, Spine, Photoshop,
web ::
progress ::
+ Mainly focused on UI implementation now.
+ Sidebar design largely finalized (see pic). Feedback is appreciated.
+ The Zeplin UI workflow is working well, all variables and icons have detailed comments ready for implementation.
+ New tagging system is being implemented, in future we may begin to hook on more and more functions onto it.
- There is a bug in version 0.051 that prevents new players from running it. This will be fixed with a new release this week or the next.
- This bug theoretically should be fixable by just installing and running the previous version 0.04, and then playing version 0.051.
+ In the meantime, also going to release some music visualizations on the YouTube channel, here: ... axw/videos
+ Version 0.051 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
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Smooth Sailing
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Re: Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

Post by Smooth Sailing »

:: BnB ::
dev :: Commander Rad
tools :: Love2D, Maya, Blender, Spine, Photoshop,
web ::
progress ::
+ UI work continues.
+ Minimap implementation is in now.
- We're basically done re-implementing all the old features that carries over to the new design.
- For the in-game menus, eliminating less useful data and computationally intense data.
+ First phase of tagging system is complete, now we'll see how well all these rungs of data filter in the menus
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here: ... 77eo8PSN1w
- 0.052 released and fixes a crash bug that appears in 0.051. Any other issues will need to wait until version 0.06 UI update.
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
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Smooth Sailing
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Re: Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

Post by Smooth Sailing »

:: BnB ::
dev :: Commander Rad
tools :: Love2D, Maya, Blender, Spine, Photoshop,
web ::
progress ::
+ UI work continues.
+ Sidebar designs and variants are basically all finalized.
+ All displayable strings and tags in-game now pass through a huge csv
- This allows us to quickly add in and switch between languages in the future.
+ Tagging system is more or less set, just need the sidebar menu to test how well sorting and filtering works.
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here: ... 77eo8PSN1w
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
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Smooth Sailing
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Re: Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

Post by Smooth Sailing »

:: BnB ::
dev :: Commander Rad
tools :: Love2D, Maya, Blender, Spine, Photoshop, Illustrator, Zeplin
web ::
progress ::
+ UI work continues
+ Tagging system further improved, replaces some variables in game.
+ New translation doc is complete.
+ All UI text fields are linked to the translation doc, which then displays the text.
+ New sidebar design is now complete enough to be semi-functional in-game. (vid)
+ Making some progress in making background maps and elements for faction select and map select screens. (see pic)
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here: ... 77eo8PSN1w
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
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Smooth Sailing
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Re: Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

Post by Smooth Sailing »

:: BnB ::
dev :: Commander Rad
tools :: Love2D, Maya, Blender, Spine, Photoshop, Illustrator, Zeplin
web ::
progress ::
+ UI work continues
+ Production progress indicator changed from the classic fan design to a bar design
+ Production progress bar can now indicate up to 8 different units or structures under construction
+ Production progress bar is context sensitive, will display only the vehicles being produced if production building is selected
+ Build menu Ctrl + RMB cancels entire build stack
+ Build menu Ctrl + LMB will order all units allowed given current amount of cash the player has up to 99 units
+ All tabs in current design works with current data displays and game functions.
+ Different 'driver' texts made for different types of units; 'driver' for vehicles, 'pilot' for aircraft, 'captain' for watercraft, and 'operator' for structures and misc.
+ Continued improvement to translation and tagging csvs
+ Sidebar design is being changed again, 5 of the tabs are being moved to the top of the middle part beneath the minimap, the other 5 tabs will be relocated to a pop-out full-screen window.
- This redesign is actually not as bad as it seems, since the functionality is already set and all that needs to happen is transferring that to another window.
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here: ... 77eo8PSN1w
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
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Smooth Sailing
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Re: Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

Post by Smooth Sailing »

:: BnB ::
dev :: Commander Rad
tools :: Love2D, Maya, Blender, Spine, Photoshop, Illustrator, Zeplin
web ::
progress ::
+ UI work continues
+ Sidebar further redesigned and simplified to better utilize available space. Tabs reduced to 5. (see pic, newest on the right)
+ More complex tabs were moved to a new ledger menu.
+ The ledger menu will be larger and expandable in future.
+ Sidebar will auto-select a tab depending on what type of unit or units the player has selected.
+ Sidebar Select tab's unit icon size doubled, since there's more space now.
+ The game lobby menu was tweaked so that the default faction and map position values wouldn't cause a crash.
+ Added the ability for the game to desaturate images, used for icons in the menus.
+ Units and structures not yet unlocked are displayed in the build menu, but in a separate greyed out section underneath the buildable ones.
+ Replaced minimap zoom buttons with buttons to access the ledger and options menus.
+ Drivers can now be ordered out of their vehicles from the crew menu. (see vid)
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here: ... 77eo8PSN1w
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
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Smooth Sailing
Posts: 91
Joined: Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:30 am
Location: Earth, Hopefully

Re: Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

Post by Smooth Sailing »

:: BnB ::
dev :: Commander Rad
tools :: Love2D, Maya, Blender, Spine, Photoshop, Illustrator, Zeplin
web ::
progress ::
+ UI work continues
+ Sidebar further redesigned and simplified to better utilize available space. Tabs reduced to 5.
+ More complex tabs were moved to a new ledger menu.
+ All those menus, except for the full-screen map are implemented.
+ The ledger menu will be larger and expandable in future.
+ The tech tree menu is now up and running.
+ The tech tree reads from an Excel spreadsheet so is highly customizable.
+ We've imported fontawesome icons into the game, so there are now a whole bunch of nice little icons available for UI.
+ A "not_found_translation.csv" was added to remind me text fields that I forgot to fill out. Very useful for UI debugging.
+ We can now add borders and stuff around UI elements.
+ The "Live feed" window on the bottom will likely be scrapped.
- I had wanted to display both unit portraits and kill cams down there, but both are tedious and extraneous.
+ New Music viz released here:
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here: ... 77eo8PSN1w
+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
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