[Solved] Why doesn't this shader code work properly? (Or alternate methods)

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[Solved] Why doesn't this shader code work properly? (Or alternate methods)

Post by Jasoco »

So in my game I've written a color reducing shader, a dithering shader I guess, that takes the final image and snaps all the colors to the closest one in a "palette" of colors. After weeks of looking for code that worked how I needed it to I found some code that uses the distance() function to compare the RGB of the current pixel to the RGB of every entry in a table of RGB values, the palette, and returns the closest color. Works great. Slows down at high resolutions but I don't care because my game is best played at low 320x180 resolution.

Thing is with this method it means I have to have all the colors in a table hard-coded to the shader code itself. This is fine if I have just one final palette I'll be using, but since I'm still in the playing around stage, I want to be changing palettes all the time. And it's a pain to keep having to replace the table every time I launch the game to see the new colors. So I've been looking for alternatives that do the same thing.

This is the default code:

Code: Select all

#define RGB(r, g, b) vec3(float(r)/255.0, float(g)/255.0, float(b)/255.0)

#define NUM_COLORS 32
vec3 palette[NUM_COLORS];

// pre GLES3 GPUs don't support array constructors, so need to initialize array explicitly
void InitPalette()
	palette[0] = RGB(255, 255, 255);
	palette[1] = ...

	return vec4(pal[idx], 1.0);

vec4 EuclidDist(vec3 c, vec3[NUM_COLORS] pal)
	int idx = 0;
	float nd = distance(c, pal[0]);

	for(int i = 1; i < NUM_COLORS; i++)
		float d = distance(c, pal[i]);

		if(d < nd)
			nd = d;
			idx = i;

	return vec4(pal[idx], 1.0);

vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image tex, vec2 texcoord, vec2 pixcoord) {
	<All my rendering code is here>

	InitPalette(); // So annoying that it needs to define the palette colors every time
	fincolor.rgb = EuclidDist(fincolor.rgb, palette);
	return fincolor;	
First thing I've tried is changing it so the palette is just an image with all the colors in it. Basically the same PNG files you can get from LoSpec. I would pass the image to the shader and the following code would perform the same thing the original table-based code would do. Except it doesn't work...

(This code would replace the two lines in the middle of the above effect() function)

Code: Select all

vec4 pixcolor = Texel(ColorMap, vec2(0.0, 0.0));
int idx = 0;
float nd = distance(fincolor, pixcolor);
for(int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
	pixcolor = Texel(ColorMap, vec2(i / 32, 0.0));

	float d = distance(fincolor, pixcolor);
	if(d < nd)
		nd = d;
		idx = i;
fincolor = Texel(ColorMap, vec2(idx / 32, 0.0));
(Where 32 is the color count in the palette. In the final code it would be passed to the shader along with the image so I could have variable palette sizes)

I know it's overkill, but I was just playing around. Like it's sampling the color a lot of times. First to get the first color in the list, then once for every single color in the palette to compare, then one last time to get the final color. However idx doesn't seem to return the right thing because it only returns the first color in the palette. The fact that it actually does return the first color in the palette shows that it is working. But idx is not being returned properly. Because I assume idx is always being returned as 0. So taking idx as 0, it just returns the first pixel in the image. Even if the actual closest color is index #15 or something. Even if I modify it so the starting color is like 15, or 0.5 on the texture UV, it still returns 0. lol

So either, is there a way to fix this code to work right? Maybe I'm missing something easy. Or alternatively, can I send a table of colors from Lua into the shader every frame instead? Or would that be overload or super slow? Or am I just stuck with having to deal with having large lists of palette tables since it works?

See the issue is, palettes are gonna be pretty big. The bigger they are, the more colors and more detail in the output picture. I've found I can comfortably get away with up to 256 colors without slowdown. But can also go a lot lower. It'll all depend on the final project and how much color the textures have in them. (The project is a g3d powered retro-styled FPS with low resolution and color depth)
Last edited by Jasoco on Tue May 03, 2022 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why doesn't this shader code work properly? (Or alternate methods)

Post by ReFreezed »

I believe i/32 and idx/32 are integer divisions and thus always resulting in 0 here. Casting the operands to float should work.
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Re: Why doesn't this shader code work properly? (Or alternate methods)

Post by pgimeno »

Besides that, I recommend to sample the centres of the pixels instead of the edges, like this:

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pixcolor = Texel(ColorMap, vec2(i / 32.0 + 0.5, 0.5));
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Re: Why doesn't this shader code work properly? (Or alternate methods)

Post by Jasoco »

ReFreezed wrote: Sun May 01, 2022 6:45 pm I believe i/32 and idx/32 are integer divisions and thus always resulting in 0 here. Casting the operands to float should work.
Oh geez that worked. Thanks so much! Now I should have an easier time tweaking the palette and can even implement a way to change palettes on the fly.
pgimeno wrote: Sun May 01, 2022 8:38 pm Besides that, I recommend to sample the centres of the pixels instead of the edges, like this:

Code: Select all

pixcolor = Texel(ColorMap, vec2(i / 32.0 + 0.5, 0.5));
Any particular reason why? Also shouldn't it be (i + 0.5) / 32 instead since 0.5 would be half the image's size so in essence if "i" is the 15th color and you divide that 15 by 32 then add the 0.5 it would probably be at the wrong U coord? (I tried both. Adding the 0.5 to the "i / 32" part results in the colors being way off more than adding the 0.5 to the "i" instead.
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Re: Why doesn't this shader code work properly? (Or alternate methods)

Post by groverburger »

My solution to rendering with palettes is to use a lookup texture instead of distance calculations, as the algorithm is much more performant even on very large resolutions. Plus, swapping palettes at runtime is as easy as sending a different image to the shader. You also don't have to manually define palette tables, either.

I've attached a file that contains two code files that I've written. The main.lua file is a simple Love application that spits out a correctly formatted palette image ready for use in the palette shader whenever you drag an image into the application. Basically, just take a palette image from Lospec or any image you like the colors of and drag and drop it into the program.

The second file included is the palette fragment shader itself. Just enable it in your game and send it the palette image generated with the generator app, and your draw calls will be automatically colored correctly!

The way this works is that I decided to reduce each of the RGB color channels to only 6 bits, making each channel have 64 possible values. 64^3 is the same as 512^2, which means I can store all possible permutations on a 512x512 texture. I felt this tradeoff between color space and memory was reasonable, but you can change it if you want.
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Re: Why doesn't this shader code work properly? (Or alternate methods)

Post by Jasoco »

I was expecting a bigger performance hit using Texel, instead it works so much better than a lookup table. I'm shocked.

Thanks for the code. I'll have to look and see if I can use it in place of what I have if it works just as well. However I think I did pretty good for now given that I barely knew anything about shaders, let alone 3d shaders, before I switched to g3d...

Still not ready to really show off the project. Still a work in progress. Throwing everything at the thing to see how it performs. So far I'm impressed Löve2d can do 3D so well. If not for some memory issues and limits. You can see I have a bunch of palettes right now I can switch between on the fly. Some work so well with the original textures. I take the palette image and run an algorithm to add some lighter and darker variations so it works with the fog. The algorithm even drops any duplicate or similar colors to make it smaller. Then I send that generated image to the shader. Right now Endesga32 is the default as it looks pretty good. The one that surprised me the most is how accurate the Quake palette is. However the DOOM palette (PLAYPAL) is terrible. I didn't realize Quake was the more colorful game. The Quake palette is 244 colors off the bat so no extra colors are generated since it already has all the darker and lighter shades implemented and I limit it to around 256 colors for efficiency.
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Re: Why doesn't this shader code work properly? (Or alternate methods)

Post by pgimeno »

Jasoco wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 12:51 am
pgimeno wrote: Sun May 01, 2022 8:38 pm Besides that, I recommend to sample the centres of the pixels instead of the edges, like this:

Code: Select all

pixcolor = Texel(ColorMap, vec2(i / 32.0 + 0.5, 0.5));
Any particular reason why?
To prevent rounding problems. Also if you're using interpolated textures rather than nearest, that will still give you the right colours.
Jasoco wrote: Mon May 02, 2022 12:51 amAlso shouldn't it be (i + 0.5) / 32 instead
Yes, my bad.
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