If I define a function in the game that isn't called, can I call it from JavaScript after exporting to web with Love.js ? I made the example below as a test for the idea. Can I run toggle_circle() in the game from JavaScript in the browser or page?
Love file is at https://www.jimofleisure.com/trigger-fr ... om-js.love
Example is viewable at https://www.jimofleisure.com/trigger-from-js/
Code: Select all
draw_circle = true
function love.load()
function love.update(dt)
function love.draw()
if draw_circle then
love.graphics.setColor(128, 128, 128)
love.graphics.circle("fill", 200, 200, 50)
function toggle_circle()
draw_circle = not draw_circle
Edit 2: The more I think this through, the more I think there probably isn't a reasonable path to having a Love2d Lua-defined function exported to WASM via Love.js export that function as invocable to the browser environment. First of all, Love2d has no built-in reason to export Lua functions anywhere, and the only functions it really needs invokable references to itself are love.load, love.update, and love.draw. Then there is the export by Love.js/Emscripten.
I had this little idea on having the user open up the dev console and make things happen kind of like Doki Doki Literature Club which has you open a file browser and delete some of its files as part of game play. Getting a dev console reference to a Love2D Lua function just doesn't seem reasonably doable without recompiling Love2d *and* tweaking Love.js .
I have another idea on how to influence the Love2d environment from the dev console, but it's kind of "out there", and I'm not sure it's feasible, either. Since I mentioned it, the idea is to see if I can swap lua file references while the game is running to alter behavior in-game. That's probably not going to work, either, as I can't imagine a reason Love2d would read a Lua file more than once per execution.