Loading a file, and writing lines from that file to a variable?

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Loading a file, and writing lines from that file to a variable?

Post by rgbmew »

Hi, I'm coming from years of using GML, so I understand the logic, but just can't find the words for what I'm trying to do.
I have a text file that basically contains a bunch of lines like this;


all of the lines are the same length, 8 characters, and are all on their own, separate lines.

All I want to do is loop through each individual line in the file, and convert each line to a new string entry in an array, but I'm having trouble understanding how file is loaded, and how to copy just 1 line to a string. I read a lot of the manual, and came across love.filesystem.lines(), but I'm uncertain how it works. The example the documentation gave was just

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local highscores = {}
for line in love.filesystem.lines("highscores.lst") do
  table.insert(highscores, line)
Which isn't the most understandable for me. How is highscores.lst formatted? What is 'line' being used in the for loop? Is this even applicable to my situation? It seems like love.filesystem.lines() is the function I'm looking for, I just don't get how it's being used in the example situation, and how it relates to my situation.

Assuming 'line' in the example is the number of lines in the file, I feel like the solution would be something like

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for line in love.filesystem.lines(file) do
  array[line] = (string loaded from love.filesystem.lines())
but I'm just not sure what '(string loaded from love.filesystem.lines())' would ACTUALLY be, if that makes sense?
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Re: Loading a file, and writing lines from that file to a variable?

Post by Yozzaxia »

For loops in lua can have the iteration function provide any variable type.
`line` is not the number of lines in a file, it's the line itself, in string form.

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 --Will print each line, in order, until the end of the file.
for line in love.filesystem.lines("highscores.lst") do
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Re: Loading a file, and writing lines from that file to a variable?

Post by BrotSagtMist »

1.There is no formating, just bytes.
2.Line is a string.
Verbosely in pseudo code the construct equals:
until not line

So basically love.filesystem.lines will open the given file, then creates the repeat loop for you and within the for loop _line_ will turn to a string of each line the file has.
Note that you have no line number there, the position is implied by checking how big the table highscores is. We simply append the current line to the end of the table thus the table will automatically have correct line numbers. You can add a position counter yourself but that is not custom.
Another example:

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Text = {} --create storage table
for line in love.filesystem.lines("main.lua") do --open main.lua
 --Turn the Last entry plus one, that means create one, of table to the string _line_
 Text[#Text+1]= line 
for k,v in ipairs(Text) do --create a loop over the table
 print(k,v) --print each key and its value of Text
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