Oh I can't believe it! you implemented gravity too! the game logic is almost done! Thank you!, I will implement it soon and update the game and upload it here.
Wait! WTF! you implemented everything! the deadly flag, the second player, wow! I can't believe it, I now realize how hard is all of this game logic man, I should have started with something easier but you just saved my game! This is amazing! Should I put you in credits? ah ah you made my day, thank you! I will upload the game with your game logic soon.
the game is completely playable!
Before uploading everything I need to deal with a few bugs first. The first is that when I don't load the deprecated code for the second player the background turns black, some library turns the background black I need to find out and solve it.
Update I found it: Slab, the library in charge of the gui overrides all colors with its own templates, I need to deactivate that.
Solved partially, after drawing Slab I set up colors back to normal, I'm not happy with this, but I can't find where Slab set up the colors, any help with this is welcome.
Code: Select all
Things that I'm working to solve:
- There is a small rule missing: Some objects can only be pushed by the big fish, could we make a flag for that? I think that would be super easy.
- SOLVED: For what I see, the new code calculates the grid size directly from the level table, and because I created originally a table for the canvas and a collisions table just with the edges of the level for the game logic, I think the grid is not calculated properly. No problem, I can solve that, I will insert the whole level in the table.
- UNSOLVED: Input is not working, I expected that, the reason is that there actually 3 files listening to keys (push-blocks, shaders.lua and input.lua) and that does not work. I need to put all the inputs in just one file and see if everything works.
I think that's all, it starts looking like a real game and not like a demo! that's so cool! As soon as I solve all of this problems I will update the attached game!
Thanks darkfrei! That's an amazing work!