Hey, I've been prototyping a new game. I've noticed that when I draw rectangles to the screen the coordinates are snapped to the nearest whole pixel.
This causes slow animations to look jerky.
Is there a way to disable this behavior. The rects will have soft edges, but the animation should be smooth.
love.graphics.rectangle pixel snapping
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Re: love.graphics.rectangle pixel snapping
No, but there are a few things you can do.
- Frame the rectangle with another rectangle in line mode, setting love.graphics.setLineWidth(2) so that there's one whole pixel to each side of the line. Reduce the inner rectangle by 2 pixels to compensate for the 2 added pixels (one at each border).
- Use an image with an alpha border instead of a rectangle. It doesn't need to be stored on disk, you can create it at load time.
- Use a shader to draw the rectangle borders. Draw the rectangle as an image.
- Method 1 is a bit more expensive in terms of CPU.
- Method 2 is a bit more expensive in terms of video memory. It needs one image per rectangle size.
- Method 3 is a bit more expensive in terms of GPU and programmer effort, because it needs the size of the rectangle to be passed to the shader.
Code: Select all
-- Size of all rectangles is 200x100.
-- line width for method 1
-- image for method 2
local rectimg200x100 = love.graphics.newImage(love.image.newImageData(202, 102,
"rgba8", ("\0\0\0\0"):rep(202)
.. ("\0\0\0\0" .. ("\255\255\255\255"):rep(200) .. "\0\0\0\0"):rep(100)
.. ("\0\0\0\0"):rep(202)))
rectimg200x100:setFilter("linear", "linear")
-- shader for method 3
local shaderect = love.graphics.newShader[[
uniform float xsize;
uniform float ysize;
vec4 effect(vec4 clr, Image tex, vec2 texpos, vec2 scrpos)
float upixels = texpos.x * xsize;
float vpixels = texpos.y * ysize;
clr.a = min(min(upixels < 1.0 ? upixels : xsize - upixels,
vpixels < 1.0 ? vpixels : ysize - vpixels),
return clr * Texel(tex, texpos);
-- image for method 3
local rectimg1x1 = love.graphics.newImage(love.image.newImageData(1, 1,
"rgba8", "\255\255\255\255"))
local x = 5
local y = 0
local a = 0
function love.update(dt)
x = x + dt / 2 -- 1 pixel every 2 seconds
y = math.sin(a) * 10
a = a + dt / 3 -- 1 radian every 3 seconds
if a >= math.pi * 2 then a = a - math.pi * 2 end
function love.draw()
-- method 1
love.graphics.rectangle("line", x+1, 101 + y, 198, 98)
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x+1, 101 + y, 198, 98)
-- method 2
love.graphics.draw(rectimg200x100, x, 250 + y, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
-- method 3
shaderect:send('xsize', 200)
shaderect:send('ysize', 100)
love.graphics.draw(rectimg1x1, x, 400 + y, 0, 200, 100)
Re: love.graphics.rectangle pixel snapping
The simplest solution that doesn't require any additional code or tricks and saves draw calls: enable MSAA with 2 or more samples, either for all rendering or just for a Canvas. See https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.setMode or https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newCanvas
Re: love.graphics.rectangle pixel snapping
Hey thanks to you both for taking the time to answer.
I have played around with all 4 methods you suggested above. I agree with pgimeno that the shader method does look best, even with msaa 4 I can see a slight jitter, but for the sake of simplicity, I'm just going to use msaa for now.
My game wont have lots of very slow animation, its just something I noticed and was bugging me.
I have played around with all 4 methods you suggested above. I agree with pgimeno that the shader method does look best, even with msaa 4 I can see a slight jitter, but for the sake of simplicity, I'm just going to use msaa for now.
My game wont have lots of very slow animation, its just something I noticed and was bugging me.
Re: love.graphics.rectangle pixel snapping
The shader method is slow if you draw a lot of boxes, because sending uniforms for every box prevents batching. That can be avoided with instanced rendering, but it's quite a bit of code.
Re: love.graphics.rectangle pixel snapping
MSAA didn't work for me. It's one thing I tried but since I didn't get any result, I didn't recommend it.
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