I am a new lua dev so I don't have much knowledge about lua or love2d, I wanted to make a shooter game I have made
the game its not great but I like it what I wanted help with is:
1) How to finalize my title screen: I have made a screen display on the start it looks good I have a play button but the button does not work.
2) I have made a circle as a target I wanted to know how to add an image in place of it, my game is space shooter based and I wanted to add an spaceship so yeah
I will be really thankful if you respond in a simpler manner
Love2d game questions
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Re: Love2d game questions
When asking for help, It's always better to post your code. Then we can tailor our answers to your situation better.
For a button to work you need to know where it is, and how big it is. Then check if the mouse is over it when the mouse is pressed.
To replace the circle with an image, You load the desired image with love.graphics.newImage(), Then draw it with love.graphics.draw()
For a button to work you need to know where it is, and how big it is. Then check if the mouse is over it when the mouse is pressed.
To replace the circle with an image, You load the desired image with love.graphics.newImage(), Then draw it with love.graphics.draw()
Re: Love2d game questions
You are need to check it the player clicks the button:K20blegend wrote: ↑Thu Sep 30, 2021 11:45 am 1) How to finalize my title screen: I have made a screen display on the start it looks good I have a play button but the button does not work.
Code: Select all
function is_in_area (mx, my, x, y, w, h) -- mouse position and rectangle
if (mx > x) and (mx < (x + w)) and
(my > y) and (my < (y + h)) then
return true
Code: Select all
buttons = {
{name = "play", x=100, y=50, w=400, h=50, text = "Play"},
{name = "quit", x=100, y=200, w=400, h=50, text = "Quit"},
function mousepressed (mx, my, button, istouch)
for i, button in pairs (buttons) do
if is_in_area (mx, my, button.x, button.y, button.w, button.h) then
if button.name == "play" then
-- change state for example as
-- state = states.play
elseif button.name == "quit" then
Re: Love2d game questions
Tip: Rather than run through massive IF blocks, it's better to store the button actions in a table indexed with the button name. Then it's just a matter of calling button.name() to trigger the appropriate response. (This goes for most things when you see giant IF blocks, btw.)
Any code samples/ideas by me should be considered Public Domain (no attribution needed) license unless otherwise stated.
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