Help with jumping

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Help with jumping

Post by Gunroar:Cannon() »

Hello all,

please help me. My jumps from here feel stiff and when the jump button is released the player falls straight down instead of falling downnin an arc.

The jump code for a quick glance is something like:

Code: Select all

function Player:__init__(...)
    self.jumpAcceleration = 300
    self.runAccel = 500
    self.brakeAccel = 1000
    self.maxVx = 200
    self.maxVy = 200
    self.weight = 750
    self.gravity = 0
    self.initGravity = 400
    self._initGravity = self.initGravity

function Player:updateGravity(dt)
    if not self.gravity or self.gravity==0 then
        self.gravity = self.initGravity

    self.gravity = self.gravity+self.weight*dt
    local gravity = self.gravity
    self.vy = self.vy + gravity*dt
    if self.onGround then
        self.gravity = self.initGravity

function Player:jump()
    if 1 then
        self.stats.jumpsPeformed = self.stats.jumpsPeformed+1
        self.jumping = true
        self.vy = self.vy-self.jumpAcceleration
        --create Puff when jumping off wall
        if self.wallOnSide then
        --stops player from flying prematurely
        if not self.canFly then
            self.canJump =  false

funtion Player:update(dt)
    if (self.Ljoystick:getYDir()*-1 > 0 or IM:isDown("Jump")) and self.canJump then
    --including this though not really used for gravity but who knows...



    local x,y = 0,0
    local vx=self.vx
    local vx, vy = self.x+vx*dt,self.y+self.vy*dt
    if not self.passive then
       --collision check
        local mx, my = self:move(vx,vy,dt)
        self.x, self.y = mx,my

function Player:checkLimits()
    local maxVx,maxVy = self.maxVx, self.maxVy

    if true then
        if self.vy>0 then
            self.oldOnGround = false
        if math.abs(self.vx)>maxVx then
            self.vx = maxVx*self:getDir(self.vx)
        if self.vy>0 and self.onGround then
            self.vy = 0
        if math.abs(self.vy)>maxVy then
            self.vy = maxVy*self:getDir(self.vy)

function Player:getDir(n)
    if n > 0 then return 1 elseif n < 0 then return -1
    else return 0 end

function Player:changeVelocityByKeys(dt, dir, dirY)
    self.isJumpingOrFlying = false

    if not then return end

    local vx, vy = self.vx, self.vy

    if dir then
        dir, dirY = dir, dirY
        dir, dirY = self.Ljoystick:getPos()
    if not self.isBot and self.real then
        if (IM:isDown("Left")) then
            dir = -1
        elseif (IM:isDown("Right")) then
            dir = 1
        elseif love.keyboard.isDown("right") then error("Something bad happened in controls") end
    if self.shot then
        vx = vx/2
    if dir<0 then
        vx = (vx - 1 * (vx > 0 and self.brakeAccel or self.runAccel)) * (dir*-1)
    elseif dir>0 then
        vx = (vx + 1 * (vx < 0 and self.brakeAccel or self.runAccel)) * dir
        local brake = dt * (vx < 0 and self.brakeAccel or -self.brakeAccel)
        if math.abs(brake) > math.abs(vx) then--or self.shot then
            vx = 0
            if (150)>math.abs(brake) then
                vx = vx + brake
            --friction??? Buggy sometimes
            if math.floor(math.abs(vx))>0 then
                vx = vx - self:getDir(vx)*(frr or 150)*dt

    if self.vx>self.maxVx then
        self.vx = self.maxVx
    --flying is fine for me
    if dirY>0 and then
        self.gravity = self.gravity-500*dir
    if dirY<0 and then
        self.gravity = self.gravity+500*dirY*-1
    self.vx, self.vy = vx, vy

_badjump.png (30.85 KiB) Viewed 6125 times
_goodjump.png (34.63 KiB) Viewed 6125 times
Last edited by Gunroar:Cannon() on Sun Sep 12, 2021 1:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The risk I took was calculated,
but man, am I bad at math.

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Re: Help with jumpin

Post by pgimeno »

So the problem is with the horizontal velocity of the player, but the snippet you've posted lacks any mention to vx. How do you expect us to help?

Also why do you change gravity? Gravity is a constant.
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Re: Help with jumpin

Post by Gunroar:Cannon() »

pgimeno wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:28 am So the problem is with the horizontal velocity of the player, but the snippet you've posted lacks any mention to vx. How do you expect us to help?
Sorry, was typing it on a low battery life. Device died while I was editing, just got the minimum info out. Edited post with more code.
Edit: more reasonable code
Also why do you change gravity? Gravity is a constant.
:cry: That's the implementation I used. Any ideas on a complete revamp is welcome but I think I've tried that before. Let's just say my gravity variable is a state of the mind...? :?
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Re: Help with jumping

Post by darkfrei »

Code: Select all

if state == flying then -- free falling
  vx=vx -- no changing :)
-- input controls code here
--collision code here, check if not more flying 
Last edited by darkfrei on Mon Sep 13, 2021 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Help with jumping

Post by pgimeno »

Applying gravity should be something like:

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function Player:updateGravity(dt)
    self.vy = self.vy + self.initGravity * dt
(assuming the player can have different gravity from others, otherwise just the global gravity, but physically gravity affects all of us in mostly the same way unless e.g. one of us is in space, or the game is one of those which toggle gravity, or there's some character that has "moon gravity" as a game mechanic or something weird like that)

In fact I wonder if your problem is that the gravity increases as the jump progresses and that makes the fall faster.

I've made your code work by adding this prologue:

Code: Select all

local function nop() end

local Player = {
  Ljoystick = {};
  canJump = true;
  jumping = false;
  weight = 10;
  vx = 0;
  vy = 0;
  x = 400;
  y = 300;
  onGround = true;
  real = true;
  isBot = false;
  active = true;
  fly = false;
  stats = {jumpsPeformed = 0}; -- sic
  sprite = {switch = nop};

function Player.Ljoystick:getYDir()
  return 0

function Player.Ljoystick:getPos()
  return 0, 0

function Player:move(x,y,dt)
  return x, y

local IM = {}

function IM:isDown(s)
  if s == "Jump" then s = "space" else s = s:lower() end
  return love.keyboard.isScancodeDown(s)

local media = {sfx = {player_jumped = {play = nop}}}
And this epilogue:

Code: Select all


function love.keypressed(k)
  if k == "escape" then return love.event.quit() end

function love.update(dt)
  if Player.jumping then Player.onGround = false end

function love.draw()"fill", Player.x, Player.y, 10, 10)
And then commented out all the `...` and fixed the `funtion` typo. Of course there's no collision, so the player falls indefinitely on the first jump.

I don't see the effect that you describe though. There's a problem that the vertical speed limit is very low, as low as the horizontal speed limit, and that makes the player go diagonally at 45°, but not vertically as you say. Can you try it and tell me if you still see the problem with it? And if you do, can you explain the problem better than with those drawings? And if not, you're on your own looking for the problem somewhere else, because that snippet seems to work.

Edit: Oh wait, you mean you want your player to preserve the inertia while jumping? Something like this?

Code: Select all

    -- add this at the top of changeVelocityByKeys:
    if not self.onGround then return end
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Re: Help with jumping

Post by LuisLJLV »

You want the friction of the character to be less when the player is not on Ground(?
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Re: Help with jumping

Post by Gunroar:Cannon() »

LuisLJLV wrote: Mon Sep 13, 2021 3:20 am You want the friction of the character to be less when the player is not on Ground(?
Yeah, I tried friction in air but that was caused some buggy problems for me, like the player moved wierdly. It is a known solution that can work which I read about in one article though. (two friction values for ground and air).
pgimeno wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:11 pm A lot
(What's the difference between scanCodeDown and keyDown?)

Wow, thanks for your time :ultrahappy: but...
Edit: Oh wait, you mean you want your player to preserve the inertia while jumping? Something like this?

Code: Select all

    -- add this at the top of changeVelocityByKeys:
    if not self.onGround then return end
...Yes, I did mean like that. I guess my fault for thinking the drawings would do most of the talking typing.
It worked but that made the player unable to control their direction when in air. Besides that it's a nice simple solution.
darkfrei wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:02 pm

Code: Select all

if state == flying then -- free falling
  vx=vx -- no changing :)
-- input controls code here
--collision code here, check if not more flying 
Strangely I was a bit skeptical about this one but it was the one that worked :rofl:

Thanks all, solved :P
The risk I took was calculated,
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Re: Help with jumping

Post by pgimeno »

I forgot to answer this...
Gunroar:Cannon() wrote: Fri Sep 17, 2021 2:33 pm (What's the difference between scanCodeDown and keyDown?)
For alphanumeric keys, isDown returns the character printed in the key, whose position depends on the language of the keyboard. This is specially bad for French keyboards, where the top row starts with AZERT instead of QWERT, the middle row with QSDFG instead of ASDFG, and the bottom row with WXCVB instead of ZXCVB. So, the French keyboard equivalent of the famous WASD is ZQSD; the W is in the bottom row instead of above the S, and the A is on the top instead of to the left of the S. French people can't (comfortably) play a game with WASD controls if you use isDown.

isScancodeDown, on the other hand, works by key positions, with the key names being the letter that is in that position in a U.S. keyboard; therefore, if you press the Z in a French keyboard, isScancodeDown("w") will be true, and French people can play your game comfortably.

If you want characters because you're using text, love.textinput is perfect because it recognizes all characters, including accent keys in a Spanish keyboard like mine, for example, which isDown and love.keypressed don't handle. So there's barely any reason to use isDown or the first parameter of love.keypressed, which are there just for legacy reasons. I only use it out of laziness when the only keys I'm handling are e.g. arrows or the space bar, because these don't change between keyboards. Or for my one-liner quit-with-esc for simple programs:

Code: Select all

function love.keypressed(k) return k == "escape" and love.event.quit() end
The only real use I can think of, is to display the keys in a game with re-definable controls. It would be confusing to tell a French that the controls are defined as WASD when the keys that work for him are ZQSD.
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Re: Help with jumping

Post by grump »

pgimeno wrote: Mon Sep 20, 2021 2:00 pm The only real use I can think of, is to display the keys in a game with re-definable controls. It would be confusing to tell a French that the controls are defined as WASD when the keys that work for him are ZQSD.
See also ... omScancode

It's one super common mistake a lot of hobbyists are making, and it's often a game-breaking mistake. WASD on French layout is a good example, or even worse with a lot more people affected: when your game has 2 actions and they're hardcoded to Z and X. Like, half of the games made for game jams are basically unplayable if you don't change your keyboard layout settings because of this.
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Re: Help with jumping

Post by Gunroar:Cannon() »

Okay, thnx. So I can use getKeyFromScancode and getScancodeFromKey to still display the correct controls in settings, is that correct?
The risk I took was calculated,
but man, am I bad at math.

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