Record the game as movie file

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Record the game as movie file

Post by deb75 »


I would like to record the game play as a movie file.

I am pretty sure it should be possible at least to save each frame drawn by love.

Is there a function in love API with which I can retrieve the full image built at the end of love.draw()

For example, like this :

Code: Select all

function love.draw()
      -- draw all game objects --
      img = love.window.getFrame(), string.format("img_%d.png", i))
      i = i + 1

Of course, it might slow fown the game, but at the end, I can make a movie from all "img_%d.png" file with .e.g. ffmpeg.

Is it possible to do something like this ?



I think it is possible by drawing everything at first to a canvas.

Indeed, the canvas API has the function "newImageData()" which generates an image from the canvas data.

In my game, that would require to draw a canvas into another canvas, is it possible ?

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Re: Record the game as movie file

Post by ReFreezed »

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