[Noob Help] Running Programs.

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[Noob Help] Running Programs.

Post by Parcels »

Well, basically I can only run pre-compiled games made by other users. If I make something, like the hello world tutorial, if I try to run it with notepad++ it just shows the screen with the stars in the background and the thing in the middle, the default screen. It also does this if I make it a .LOVE file. Even if I extract all the files from one of the demo's and build it again to a .LOVE file, it still doesn't work. It used to work for me when I used this at the start of the year.

I have tried removing LÖVE, and tried installing it again. I just want to know a way to fix this, or if it's my computer / LÖVE that's doing this.

Thanks.. :(
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Julian Assange
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Re: [Noob Help] Running Programs.

Post by Julian Assange »

Are you sure you've zipped the contents of the folder and not the folder itself?
Also for running the file itself make sure you're passing the folder containing main not the main.lua file.
Running from notepad++ never worked for me as it starts in the wrong folder so I just made a batch file called boot.bat that calls "C:\program files (x86)\love\love" "C:\users\julian\desktop\testgame" and it worked.
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Re: [Noob Help] Running Programs.

Post by Parcels »

Okay, so I'm 100% sure that when I zip the contents, theres no folders in there, just the main file.
With the second bit, i don't understand what your trying to say, but I've tried dragging the main.lua file to the love application.
And with the batch file, I'll make one similar, and test it out, thanks.

EDIT: Fixed it, very basic error, hahaha. When I was making it into a zip folder, I was using WinRAR, and was renaming a .rar file, but I made it to a .zip with WinRAR and it works now, thanks for helping anyway.
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Julian Assange
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Re: [Noob Help] Running Programs.

Post by Julian Assange »

Parcels wrote:Okay, so I'm 100% sure that when I zip the contents, theres no folders in there, just the main file.
With the second bit, i don't understand what your trying to say, but I've tried dragging the main.lua file to the love application.
And with the batch file, I'll make one similar, and test it out, thanks.
You need to drag the folder containing the main.lua, not main.lua itself.
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Re: [Noob Help] Running Programs.

Post by Parcels »

Thanks a lot man, I really appreciate your help (:

Everything is working good now.
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