15 minute code challenge - for fun
Re: 15 minute code challenge - for fun
Hmmm. Has more utility. How would you make ws and wd optional so if those parameters were not provided they would default to '1'?
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A card game that brings sword fighting to life.
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Idle gridiron. Set team orders then idle and watch: https://togfox.itch.io/pad-and-pencil-gridiron
Re: 15 minute code challenge - for fun
Code: Select all
function somefunction (ws, wd)
ws = ws or 1
wd = wd or 1 -- if wd is not false (nil is false too) then it's wd, otherwise wd is 1
return ws, wd
Code: Select all
function otherfunction (tabl)
local ws = tabl.ws or 1
local wd = tabl.wd or 1 -- if tabl.wd is not false (nil is false too) then wd is tabl.wd, otherwise wd is 1
return ws, wd
ws, wd = otherfunction {ws = 10} -- wd is nil
Code: Select all
map = {}
for y = 1, 10 do
for x = 1, 10 do
map[x] = map[x] or {} -- new table map[x] if map[x] not exists
map[x][y] = math.random()
Re: 15 minute code challenge - for fun
Hm, tricky. You have to consider map dimensions. You only need to go straight if, when colouring the map with chequered (alternating black and white) colours, you need to change colours; otherwise you do bishop movements. You need to change colours if (1) one of the map dimensions is 1 (then you need to change colours at every step) or (2) the start and end are in different colours (then you have to do it just once).
Code: Select all
local function shortestDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2, ws, wd)
local dx = math.abs(x1 - x2)
local dy = math.abs(y1 - y2)
if map.sizeX == 1 or map.sizeY == 1 then
return (dx + dy) * ws -- edited - forgot *ws
local straight = (dx + dy) % 2 -- number of steps necessary in a straight direction
return straight * ws + (math.max(dx, dy) - straight) * wd
(edit: oops, the threshold is 1, my bad)
By the way, wd=17 and ws=12 are much closer than 14 and 10 to the euclidean path length.
Re: 15 minute code challenge - for fun
You are right:
Code: Select all
local t, d, s, e = math.sqrt(2), 1, 1, 1
function check_solution (d, s, t)
if math.abs (d/s-t) < e then
e = math.abs (d/s-t)
print ('better solution: d=' .. d .. ' s=' .. s .. ' error:' .. e .. ' 1/'.. math.floor(1/e+0.5))
for i = 1, 100000 do
check_solution (d, s, t)
if d/s > t then s = s + 1 else d = d + 1 end
It's interesting, that 3, 17, 99, 577, 3363 are in d and s for the next best solution, but not much better solution.better solution: d=1 s=1 error:0.4142135623731 1/2
better solution: d=3 s=2 error:0.085786437626905 1/12
better solution: d=4 s=3 error:0.080880229039762 1/12
better solution: d=7 s=5 error:0.014213562373095 1/70
better solution: d=17 s=12 error:0.0024531042935716 1/408
better solution: d=24 s=17 error:0.0024488564907421 1/408
better solution: d=41 s=29 error:0.00042045892481934 1/2378
better solution: d=99 s=70 error:7.2151912619223e-005 1/13860
better solution: d=140 s=99 error:7.2148231681002e-005 1/13860
better solution: d=239 s=169 error:1.2378941142588e-005 1/80782
better solution: d=577 s=408 error:2.1239014147412e-006 1/470832
better solution: d=816 s=577 error:2.1238982250704e-006 1/470832
better solution: d=1393 s=985 error:3.6440355200007e-007 1/2744210
better solution: d=3363 s=2378 error:6.252177442434e-008 1/15994428
better solution: d=4756 s=3363 error:6.2521771981849e-008 1/15994428
better solution: d=8119 s=5741 error:1.0727040367087e-008 1/93222358
better solution: d=19601 s=13860 error:1.8404691104479e-009 1/543339736
better solution: d=47321 s=33461 error:3.157747396898e-010 1/3166814423
Re: 15 minute code challenge - for fun
There are mathematical reasons Notice that in all cases where that happens, the next d is twice the previous s.
If d/s is an approximation to the square root of 2, then 2s/d is another approximation of the same order, because 2s/d can be rewritten as 2/(d/s), and since 2/sqrt(2) = sqrt(2), if e is an approximation to sqrt(2), 2/e is approximately equal to e.
In the cases where the rule you've found fails, 2s/d is still very close to d/s, just with a slightly bigger error and therefore a worse approximation. For example, 41/29 = sqrt(2) - 0.0004204589... and 58/41 = sqrt(2) + 0.000420583968...; the error is only slightly bigger in this case (and in all cases, the opposite sign).
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Re: 15 minute code challenge - for fun
pgimeno in his element
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