I want to set up some kind of layered image that I can export as a single PNG. The purpose is for use in a character generator. So it works by drawing a layered image, each layer draws a variable image that represents a feature of the character such as hair, eyes, clothes e.t.c to be more specific the workflow is as follows.
- upload5.PNG (89.49 KiB) Viewed 7341 times
1. Load images into a table.
2. Setup a canvas (or image data type) with various images (layered images) on-top of each other.
3. Update the current image if Input changes the index of which image to reference.
4. Draw the images on screen, (animation preview using anim8 over real canvas)
5. If "Tab" is pressed export the current state of the canvas to love save directory (%AppData%)
I've attached a .love of the current state of the character generator. I think your right when you mentioned Its better to use ArrayImages but can I export that as a single PNG or can I convert an ArrayImage to ImageData, encode it and save it to loves save directory as a .png file?
Also you said you can use shaders on ArrayImages, does that mean I can apply a blending mode to a single layer with ability to export as a .png file (convert to ImageData)?
Note: please don't steal the resources in the above .love file, its for use in a commercial product.