function checkPlayerCollisions()
local x = player.x
local y = player.y
local rx = math.round(x)
local ry = math.round(y)
. . .
And the problem is, that the program can't call math.round() for some reason, it always says "attempt to call field 'round' (a nil value)", even if I remove the 'local' thing, just always, with any variable in this particular function (it doesn't throw any errors in the other functions).
can some1 halp pls
hippity hoppity ur code is my property (thanc in advanc)
This code has one erro, not is math.round, os math.random, but hás love.math.random too, for use math.round, before add "math.round=math.random" or "math.round=love.math.random"
Still new there, but I'll give a try...
From what I understood, there isn't "math.round" in Lua ; instead, we have math.floor and math.ceil (pretty much self-explanatory).