I'm running CrunchBang++ on Linux 4.19. It sounds strange and exotic, but it's mostly just Debian 10 running LXDE.
LOVE and SDL2 are in the repository (11.2 and 2.0.9 respectively) and installed successfully.
However, just running LOVE (either with no code or even just a simple Hello, world! script) results in a couple of windows being rapidly created and destroyed and then an Xorg error output to the console:
Code: Select all
X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 4 (X_DestroyWindow)
Resource id in failed request: 0x3c00014
Serial number of failed request: 303
Current serial number in output stream: 308
My question is: is it possible to print debug information to the console (like love.graphics.getRendererInfo()) within config.lua, before LOVE even tries initializing a renderer? Because config.lua is definitely loading and executing correctly. If so, what callback can I use to trigger that?
Ideally, I'd like to use information returned from love.graphics.getRendererInfo() and possibly canvasFormats to set window parameters in conf.lua, since that definitely seems to be getting executed before LOVE crashes.
Thanks for any suggestions you might have! And no, I'm not doing primary development on this machine, I just thought I'd give it a try.