Smoothly rotate to face the cursor

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Re: Smoothly rotate to face the cursor

Post by Snake174rus »

Insert this code in update function:

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local mousePos = vector( love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() )
local dir = self.pos - mousePos

local targetAngle = -math.atan2( dir.x, dir.y ) / (math.pi / 180)
local curAngle = self.top_angle

if curAngle < 0 then
	curAngle = curAngle + 360

if targetAngle < 0 then
	targetAngle = targetAngle + 360

local a = curAngle - targetAngle

if a > 180 then
	a = a - 360
elseif a < -180 then
	a = a + 360

local s = dt * 70

if a >= -s - 0.5 and a <= s + 0.5 then
	self.top_angle = targetAngle
elseif a > s + 0.5 then
	self.top_angle = self.top_angle - s
elseif a < -s - 0.5 then
	self.top_angle = self.top_angle + s
I use HUMP Vectors for stored self position (self.pos)

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local s = dt * 70
70 - rotation speed
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Re: Smoothly rotate to face the cursor

Post by ivan »

iPoisonxL wrote:This makes sense, thanks a lot.
There is another solution which uses the dot product of 2 vectors.

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function dot ( x, y, x2, y2 )
  return x * x2 + y * y2
The dot product tells us about the angle (R) between the two vectors. It is positive, when the angle is acute and negative if it's obtuse. When the dot product is zero, the two vectors are perpendicular.

For two normalized vectors:

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cos(R) = dot(ax, ay, bx, by)
R = acos(dot(ax, ay, bx, by)
R = arc between the two vectors

For vectors that may not be normalized:

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function length(ax, ay)
  return math.sqrt(ax*ax + ay*ay)

cos(R) = dot(ax, ay, bx, by)/(length(ax, ay)*length(bx, by)
R = acos(dot(ax, ay, bx, by)/(length(ax, ay)*length(bx, by)))
R = arc between the two vectors

In this case:

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ax, ay = cos(H), math.sin(H)
bx, by = px - tx, py - ty
H = current heading
px, py = position of the "cursor"
tx, ty = target position
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Re: Smoothly rotate to face the cursor

Post by danjoemybro »

micha wrote: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:55 pm iPoisonxL's code is almost correct. One thing is missing, namely the two angles zero and 2pi are the same, even though the two numbers differ a lot. To determine whether to turn left or right, you need calculate diff as follows:

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local diff = (goal-current+math.pi)%(2*math.pi)-math.pi
That way diff is always between -pi and pi.
Thank you so much iPoisonxL for this amazing comment so long ago. You've saved me countless hours of trying to figure this out.

I adapted this function so that the speed of rotation is affected by the difference in angle, giving a very smooth feel, whilst also reducing the amount of code considerably.

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function smoothAngle(dt, goal, current, speed)
    local diff = (goal-current+math.pi)%(2*math.pi)-math.pi
    return current + (diff * speed) * dt
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Re: Smoothly rotate to face the cursor

Post by togFox »

Nice necro. Seven years. :) How did you even find this thread?
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Re: Smoothly rotate to face the cursor

Post by danjoemybro »

Haha, google search pretty much, whilst typing in a bunch on nonsence around the topic of the problem which I was facing. I never would have worked this out by myself.
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Re: Smoothly rotate to face the cursor

Post by zorg »

At least you did contribute something to the thread. :3
Me and my stuff :3True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
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