Please help with angle mathematics

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Please help with angle mathematics

Post by OneOrigiN »

Hello everyone!
I have object "rimmyx".
In rimmyx there is: variable

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and table

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that stores angles.
Why I did this? I need to calculate a points where I need to draw a picure,
So for each point I calculate anlge:

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self.angle + self.main_angles[i]
(and then some geometry). PLEASE remember this!

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stores 6 angle measures from 0 to 2 * PI (0, PI/3, (2*PI)/3, PI, and so on...).
Player can rotate rimmyx with mouse. In this case, only

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is changing.
Also, I have a function

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, which is supposed to return index of element in the table

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, checking every element in

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The problem is, My program crashes (sometimes), because of find function.
Exactly here:

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math.abs(_angle - (v[1] + self.angle))
(v[1] because of

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for i, v in ipairs(self.main_angles)
At some moment minimum

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math.abs(_angle - (v[1] + self.angle))
is bigger than 1(!)
So, how I need to write it correctly?
Some art(no):
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whole code:
(sorry for non-english comments)

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rimmyx = Object:extend()
require "part"
angle_measure = 0
function rimmyx:new(_x, _y, _len, _is_left, _name)
  angle_measure = 2 * math.pi / 6
  self.x = _x
  self.y = _y
  self.main_len = _len
  self.angle = 0
  self.secondary_len = _len / math.cos(angle_measure / 2) -- вторая длина. До ВТОРОГО ряда деталей.
  self.is_left = _is_left
  self.delta_angle = 0 -- разница между углом до позиции мыши, и нынешним углом, используется в фунциях mousePressed и mouseReleased
  self.target_angle = 0 -- куда нужно "довернуть колесо". Измеряется в радиантах
  self.mouse_is_down = false
  self.is_attached = nil
  self.is_stabilized = true
  self.attachment_index = nil = _name
  -- creating a list of angles
  self.main_angles = {}
  self.secondary_angles = {}
  self.img_main_angles = {}
  self.img_secondary_angles = {}
  -- filling list of angles
  for i = 1,6 do
    self.main_angles[i] = {(i - 1) * angle_measure, part((i - 1) * angle_measure, "cube.png")}
    self.secondary_angles[i] = i * angle_measure - 1 * math.pi / 6
  if not _is_left then
    self.main_angles[4][2] = nil
    self.is_attached = false
    self.is_attached = true
  --self.main_angles[1][2].angle = angle_measure * 4

function rimmyx:isAttached()
  return self.is_attached

function rimmyx:findPart(_angle)--ищем угол с угловым значением _angle(в радианах).
  print("trying to find angle: " .. _angle)
  local m = angle_measure * 2
  local ind = nil
  for i, v in ipairs(self.main_angles) do
    print("delta: " .. math.abs(_angle - (v[1] + self.angle)) .. " |self.angle, v[1], i|: " .. self.angle .. " " .. v[1] .. " " .. i)
    if math.abs(_angle - (v[1] + self.angle)) <= 0.1 then -- math.abs(_angle - (v[1] + self.angle)) <= 0.5 or math.abs(math.abs(_angle - (v[1] + self.angle)) - 2 * math.pi) <= 0.5
      ind = i
      m = _angle - (v[1] + self.angle)
  print("result index: " .. ind)
  return ind

function rimmyx:popPart(_angle)
  print("going to pop: " .. _angle .. " from " ..
  local ind = self:findPart(_angle)
  local returnable_part = self.main_angles[ind][2]
  self.main_angles[ind][2] = nil
  print("popped from " .. ind)
  return returnable_part

function rimmyx:addPart(_part, _angle)
  print("going to add: " .. _angle .. " to " ..
  local ind = self:findPart(_angle)
  print("added to " .. ind)
  _part.angle = _part.angle - self.angle
  self.main_angles[ind][2] = _part

function rimmyx:addMainPart(_angle, _part)
  --for i, v in ipairs(self.main_angles)

function rimmyx:addSecondaryPart (_angle, _part)


function rimmyx:mousePressed(x, y, button, isTouch)
  self.delta_angle = math.atan2(y - self.y, x - self.x) - self.angle
  self.mouse_is_down = true


function rimmyx:mouseReleased()
  local a_angle = math.floor(self.angle / (2 * math.pi / 6))--находим 2 ближайших правильных угла поворота фигуры
  local b_angle = math.ceil(self.angle / (2 * math.pi / 6))
  self.is_stabilized = false
  if math.abs(self.angle - a_angle) > math.abs(self.angle - b_angle) then -- их них находим ближайший
    self.target_angle = b_angle * 2 * math.pi / 6
    self.target_angle = a_angle * 2 * math.pi / 6
  self.mouse_is_down = false

function rimmyx:update(dt)
  if self.mouse_is_down == true then
    mouse_x, mouse_y = love.mouse.getPosition()
    self.angle = math.atan2(mouse_y - self.y, mouse_x - self.x) - self.delta_angle
    if math.abs(self.angle - self.target_angle) < 0.001 and self.is_stabilized == false then
      self.angle = self.target_angle
      self.is_stabilized = true
      self.angle = self.angle - (self.angle - self.target_angle) / 50
      if self.angle >= 2 * math.pi then
        self.angle = self.angle % (2 * math.pi)

function rimmyx:draw(), 1, 0, 1)
  for i, v in ipairs(self.main_angles) do
    if v[2] ~= nil then
      local x, y = self.x + self.main_len * math.cos(v[1] + self.angle), self.y + self.main_len * math.sin(v[1] + self.angle), self.y, x, y)
      v[2]:changePosition(x, y), 1, 1, 1)
      v[2]:draw(self.angle), 0, 0, 1)[2].angle .. " " .. (v[2].angle + self.angle) .. " "  .. (v[1] + self.angle) .. " " .. i , x, y), 1, 0, 1)
  end, 0, 0, 1)
  for i, v in ipairs(self.secondary_angles) do
    local x, y = self.x + self.secondary_len * math.cos(v + self.angle), self.y + self.secondary_len * math.sin(v + self.angle), self.y, x, y)
Last edited by OneOrigiN on Tue Jan 12, 2021 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Please help with angle mathematics

Post by Ross »

Is this the console output your are getting before it fails?

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trying to find angle: 5.235987755983
delta: 5.235987755983 |self.angle, v[1], i|: 0 0 1
delta: 4.1887902047864 |self.angle, v[1], i|: 0 1.0471975511966 2
delta: 3.1415926535898 |self.angle, v[1], i|: 0 2.0943951023932 3
delta: 2.0943951023932 |self.angle, v[1], i|: 0 3.1415926535898 4
delta: 1.0471975511966 |self.angle, v[1], i|: 0 4.1887902047864 5
delta: 8.8817841970013e-016 |self.angle, v[1], i|: 0 5.235987755983 6
The problem is, you are trying to compare floating point numbers directly.
Generally speaking, you can't do math on decimal numbers and then compare them directly using `==`. The numbers will be a tiny bit imprecise, so the comparison will fail.

Look at the last delta:

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delta: 8.8817841970013e-016
It's not zero, it's 0.00000000000000088817841970013.

The simplest solution is to check if it's "roughly equal", rather than exactly equal ("=="). You can do:

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if delta < 0.0001
or something.

Another solution is to change how your `findPart` method works. Rather than searching through a list to find the matching index, you just need to round the angle to the nearest 1/6th of the circle.
Try this:

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local function round(x)
	return math.floor(x + 0.5)

function rimmyx:findPart(_angle)
	_angle = _angle % (math.pi * 2) -- Ensures the angle is inside a circle.
	local interval = math.pi / 3
	local offset = interval
	return round((_angle + offset) / interval)
Note: You probably want to change the variables. Maybe `offset` should be `self.angle`?
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Re: Please help with angle mathematics

Post by OneOrigiN »

meh, I just was experimenting with comparing numbers. In first version there was math.abs(_angle - (v[1] + self.angle))... and that still not working.
And sorry for variables. My vocabulary a little bit poor.
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Re: Please help with angle mathematics

Post by darkfrei »

OneOrigiN wrote: Tue Jan 12, 2021 10:55 am meh, I just was experimenting with comparing numbers.
Remember that ((0.1+0.2)==0.3) is always false :) ... 432310d476
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Re: Please help with angle mathematics

Post by Ross »

OneOrigiN wrote: Tue Jan 12, 2021 10:55 am And sorry for variables. My vocabulary a little bit poor.
Sorry, I meant the values of variables in my example code. You can name your variables whatever you want. :)
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Re: Please help with angle mathematics

Post by OneOrigiN »

I think you don't quite understand what function need to do... Let me explain it second time.
In two words: I have a center of circle, some angle (of circle if you interested) and table of angles.
Try to draw some sort of wheel with 6 spokes - that's picture of what going on.
Every spoke has angle and index.(and it can't be changed)
Player can rotate wheel (on fixed angle, so there is always spoke that points right)
function findPart(_angle) need to return index of spoke which angle equals to _angle at the MOMENT(or not exactly equal, anyway you got it)
why at the MOMENT? Because player can rotate wheel. => at the start findPart(0) returns 1 (because spoke with i = 1 at the angle 0)
Then wheel rotates at 2*PI/3 findPart(0) returns 5 because spoke with i = 5 is at the angle 0.
And so on, and so on...
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Re: Please help with angle mathematics

Post by Ross »

Yeah, I think I got it.

This is what you want, right?:

The problem with your code that I saw was: You're trying to check if two numbers are exactly identical, but the numbers were not exactly equal, they were just very, very close, so it failed.
To fix that problem, change your code so it only uses >, <, >=, or <=, NOT ==.

I suggested a totally different, simpler way to do the same thing...
...but my code actually had some issues, :cry: sorry (I didn't check it with all angles...). This code actually works:

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function rimmyx:findPart(_angle)
	local interval = math.pi / 3
	_angle = (_angle + interval/2 - self.angle) % (math.pi*2)
	return math.floor(_angle / interval) + 1
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Re: Please help with angle mathematics

Post by OneOrigiN »

"This is what you want, right?:" - woaaaaaaah, just exactly my prototype.
And about checking - if you noticed, I changed it:

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math.abs(_angle - (v[1] + self.angle)) <= 0.1
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